Friday Favourites 26th September - 2nd October 2015


Following the success of last week’s round up which you can read here I have decided to continue with this new weekly segment for the foreseeable future!

1. The Rugby World Cup.

Ok this strictly isn’t fair because I included the start of the world cup in last week’s post and I am creating a little doodle for each of Wales’ matches (which you can find on Instagram here). I’ll try not to bang on about it too much (except if Wales win the whole tournament obvs) but can we just take a moment to think about that Wales vs England win?!



2. Malvern Autumn Show. 

Last Sunday I accompanied my mother to the Three Counties Showground in Malvern for their autumn show. My mum attends both the spring and autumn show with her friends religiously every year but this year only she was available to go so out of the goodness of my heart (!!) I offered to go with her. It was an unseasonably warm day in Malvern for the time of the year and I foolishly wore winter boots, jeans, a roll neck jumper and a coat so I had to make a few trips to the car to shed layers. Despite my wilting in the heat I actually really enjoyed the day, having thought it was just a flower show. The three counties show ground is huuuuge and we didn’t even see the half of it but if you’re into agriculture, tractors, plants, food and crafts then this show has everything for you. Some of the craft and jewellery stalls were wonderful and we even bought a few christmas presents! I also got a lot of inspiration for selling my own work at these types of events so that’s an added plus to time off with your mama. 



3. Wrexham Mini Break.

There’ll be more details on this no doubt in the near future but in the last week of October I am FINALLY graduating and I am taking some time out for a mini four day break in my old stomping ground of Wrexham. I am planning on cramming a lot into my time away and most of it surrounds catching up with all my bestie from uni who now live 498582498294 hours away from me. This week I booked my train tickets with Arriva Trains Wales and it gave me all the feels for the trip.



4. BBC Radio One. 

And more specifically Scott Mills and Chris Stark on between 1pm-4pm when Greg James takes over. Radio One is nothing new to me, I've listened to it before and during second year of university I used to tune in pretty frequently but since becoming self employed and being home alone all the time I have become an avid listener. Like one of them ones that is genuinely disappointed if they have to leave and miss a segment. I watch innuendo bingo online, I laugh out loud ALL THE TIME, my ipod is now full of chart music because it's all I listen to and I spend all week waiting for Wednesdays (other listeners will know why). Good old Radio One.

*I realise the image is in fact from Greg James show not Mills and Stark, I do listen to him, I can't control when I screen grab.

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5. New work. 

I can't divulge in details just yet of my new projects, it's coming soon and you can expect to see it soon on my Instagram and Twitter but I have lots of exciting things starting! Keep your eyes peeled!



Check back in next week for another week of lovely things!