22 GIFS For Art Students.


Sometimes, what you're going through can only be summed up with a simple GIF. You're not alone people.

1. When you start uni and you have to do 'getting to know you' exercises in your new class. Basics. 

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2. When you receive your first official project and actually have to do work now. 

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3. When professionals/ex students/ your tutors tell you how much they're earning in the career you actually want to go into. One day it'll be you. You know it. 

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4. When you have a deadline looming and you are finding anything to do that isn't your work. 

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5. When your project goes down super well and hey, you're top of the class.

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6. When it all goes tits up and hey, you're bottom of the class and oh look, your tutors tell you you're failing. 

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7. When the new top of the class complains about how bad their work is/pretends they don't know they're good. 

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8. When it's all a bit much. 

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9. When you have to actually write a dissertation. You're an art student. You ain't doing English. 

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10. When your tutors tell you you have to make a website for your work.

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11. When you go on a huge rant about how unfair your tutors are/your university is/the system is and everyone else agrees.

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12. When you're asked to re do a project/start a new project with three weeks to go. 

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13. When you and your bestie have actually been doing eachother's work for 75% of the year. And only you know. 

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14. When said bestie is about to grass you up. 

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15. When your non art student friends ask you to come out and do something fun when you have deadlines. 

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16. When you have a bad assessment/critique/review.


17. When you have a good assessment/critique/review. 

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18. When you find out the kid that never turned up or did any work got a higher grade than you. 

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19. When you start realising university is nearly over and you have to enter the real world.

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20. When people ask you what you're going to do after you graduate. 

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21. When you finally leave.

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22. And when freshers tell you they're going into university to study at art school. 

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Stay strong students.