Friday Favourites 29th October - 6th November 2015

best of the week 06.11

best of the week 06.11

After last week's mini post (which you can read here), today's is slightly longer than a week because, hollah, I can finally call myself a graduate! This past week and a half has been massively busy what with spending 4 days in Wrexham and then coming back, babysitting twice and having to get back into the swing of work and all the admin that comes with a few days off.

So naturally, kicking us off this week is....

1. Graduation. 

Yes, what a surprise, I've been going on about it over all forms of social media for the whole week but I am officially a Glyndwr University graduate. I finished uni so long ago and graduation seemed like this mythical thing in the not specified future so it feels super weird and a bit anti climatic now it's all over.

However the day itself was stressful and nerve wracking but so lovely and exciting. There were a lot of proud crying parents (mine were definitely not definitely among them), we did the obligatory throwing of the hats, we got clapped out of the ceremony by a sea of people (felt A BIT famous) and I wanted to shed a little tear when they made us all stand up to proclaim us graduates. It was pretty cute.

Although the gowns were heavy, I was boiling and the hat had to be attached to my head (I had the smallest size hat and it was still too big, it would appear I have a head the size of a pea), it was quite exciting to be dressed up with my chums and our gowns were the colour of Gryffindor so that always helps.

My class in uni was pretty small (we're talking about 9 people on the course) and in a bizarre twist of events only 4 of us turned up and whilst it was strange not to graduate with everyone, the change in the alphabetical order of our class meant I was in a rather delightful sandwich of my two besties. As well as the art and design school, we also graduated with humanities, sports, theatre, production and psychology, courses which a lot of my friends who I met way back when in student halls are on so it was a whole two hours of celebrating.

In the evening me and my immediate family (who came to stay with me in Wrexham) met up with my extended family for a graduation meal in good old Frankie and Bennys and I had some sweet presents and a toast (off of speech not bread fame).

Generally the whole few days was a welcome break, a blast and a proud achievement to walk across the stage (even if I don't quite remember it from sheer terror) and finally get some recognition for the degree that I qualified for so long ago.

















2. Squad goals. 

By far and away the best part of this last 10 days or so (even surpassing my graduation) was spending time with my gal pals. I went to Wrexham a day before my family to stay in a hotel in town this gem, Tania Clarke, and we met up with fellow illustrators Jonny Garrett and Stacey Jacqueline. After not seeing each other since July when we used to spend 5 days a week together was the dream and made my heart all happy to see them again, to catch up and to watch trashy tv with chocolate in the hotel.

It was these three beauties, plus Tom Dovey, our only other illustration graduate and the rest of the Graphics degree who we made friends with from day one that I was so happy to see walk the stage in front of me and graduate and I was cringy proud of them all.

Also they bought me graduation presents so that's always top form.















3. Getting Festive. 

Yes I'm not even ashamed of it any more, I am properly in the christmas spirit. I have been picking up bits and bobs here and there pretending it's not specifically for christmas (knowing full well they are) for a while but on Tuesday I did my first dedicated festive shop.

For my birthday I had a John Lewis giftcard and I assigned that present to Christmas decoration shopping, I mean, why wouldn't you. I have always thought John Lewis was a bit posh and certainly expensive but I was pleasantly surprised to find their decorations are 1. cheap and 2. quality. I picked up this lovely lot for 25 quid and they are so well made and so beautiful my tree is going to be looking extra fancy this year.

Now to hold back on buying any more*.

*As if.





4. Another Beautiful Walk. 

Yes, another week, another walk in a beautiful Welsh location with my niece. This time, Cosmeston Lakes near Penarth was flavour of the month and despite the rain making a brief appearance, it was gorgeous as ever. We encountered a squirrel for the first time, we saw some less than friendly swans, we realised we should have worn wellies and we had a cuppa (me) and some peach baby food (her). Hoping we can go back when the weather is a bit nicer soon!







5. Bonfire Night. 

Bonfire night this year was a much more timid affair than the last few years. There was no fireworks display, there was no bonfire, there was no wrapping up in scarves and gloves, it was just me, Mum and Dad in the back garden with some sparklers, and it was still pretty sweet. I wanted to go a slow mo of my sparkler but the trusty old iPhone let me down so boo but I got some photos and we wrote 'Happy Birthday' to my grandmother who would have been 103 today!!



Check back in next week when my Best Of The Week will be back to normal!