Situation Update.



If you've been reading this blog from the beginning you might've been around for my rants about moving home with the parents when you've been living away for years (you can find them here and here).

If you're a dedicated reader you might have also noticed lately I've been dropping hints about moving out again.

Yup, I can confirm, after moving home, back in with ma and pa and thinking it was for at least 4 years, after a mere 6 months I am off again. Funny how life takes you.

In a bizarre twist of personal events, babies (niece, not mine), brother moving out, boyfriend getting a job with weird hours and a super lucky offer means I am moving in with the other half and suddenly a lot of possessions are out of my home and waiting for me in a wardrobe at his house.

Fun fact for you, me and my brother are 20 months apart in age which makes us a school year apart (I'm the older one natch). I took a year out to do a diploma in Foundation studies when I was 19 which means the both of us ended up in the same academic year and left for university within a fortnight of each other. Yeah, you can imagine my parents delight at putting two freshers out into the world (and funding them). You can also imagine their delight when we both returned and both shacked up in our childhood bedrooms.

It is probably a relief then for them that he boxed up and moved into a flat in September and I am set to follow by Christmas. Sadly for them though they aren't rid of me too soon.

Now my brother has moved out his room is free and a bit empty whereas my room is still full with a bed which essentially takes up all my room and houses my business, which I do not have room for at my new abode. The solution? Take my brother's room and make a studio of course!

I haven't properly left yet, there are still a few things I need to finish up here (like converting a whole new studio) but I will be doing a proper update when I'm off for all you lucky people who hung in there with the first few weeks of the blog and patiently waded through my rants.