My New Years Resolutions.



There are two types of people I think when it comes to making NYE resolutions. There are the people that make a list every year and really try and stick to it till about February. And then there are the people that scorn about resolutions and write statuses about it on Facebook generally ridiculing those who like to make them. At the end of the day, even if you don't want to make resolutions and even if you think they're stupid and even if you make them and break them, there is something to be said for a good old think at the start of a new year. A new year means a fresh start and new hope for something better to come your way and who're any of us to say that hope for a clean start to a new year is ridiculous.

I rarely make new years resolutions. When I do it is basically a thought in my head along the lines of "Oh I should eat healthier this year" or "I should exercise more and loose weight for summer". I am essentially 80% of the population in this respect.

But this year, ohhh this year will be different because I run a business now and I am going to write a list and everything. Yuh huh. I'm only making 5 because I am being realistic about this shiz.

  • Blog more - at least 4 times a week.
  • Learn to speak more Welsh than "I hate -insert name here- because he is boring" and various swear words.
  • Do my finances on each day of the month.
  • Improve my blog photography.
  • Produce at least one illustration a week because ya know, it's my job.

And lastly, more of a pipe dream for 2016 I want to make some sort of headway in my business that affirms it was the right decision to make to take some time out and try work as a freelancer. Preferably a publishing deal or an agency but certainly something. A girl has to dream right?

Happy New Years Eve to you all, I hope your 2016 is magical.