Friday Favourites 26th March - 1st April 2016.

Friday Favourite promo flatlay - 01.04.16

Friday Favourite promo flatlay - 01.04.16

How HOW is it already April? Like we are a quarter of the way into the year how is that even possible? Every week I think I won't find 5 things I love the most to write up into a cohesive post that doesn't bore the pants off you but yet again, here I am! 

So without further ado...

1. The Night Manager. 

The Night Manager promo photo courtesy of BBC.  

The Night Manager promo photo courtesy of BBC.  

Ok so there's very little I can ACTUALLY say about the Night Manager finale without spoiling it because I know there are a lot of people out there who haven't seen it yet. If you haven't seen it you NEED to get on it. Tom Hiddleston has put up a heck of a campaign for being the next Bond, Olivia Coleman is as brilliant as she always is, you'll be almost rooting for Tom Hollander and Hugh Laurie is SO bad you'll forget he was ever in House or Blackadder. Seriously, you need to binge watch the entire series this weekend, I give you my permission. 

All you need to know, here. 

2. Easter Sunday. 

So I think it would be safe to say 99% of the country had a lovely Easter this year. The clocks changed, we had more daylight hours, it was sunny for the most part, we had 4 days off and of course, we had copious amounts of chocolate! I took part in the traditional easter egg hunt (I am 23, my brother is 21, no regrets) and my family obviously got bargain friendly with the buy 2 get 2 free offer in the supermarkets a few weeks ago and my boyfriend ended up with 21 easter eggs, 4 creme eggs, 3 lindt bunnies, 4 dairy milk bunnies, 3 malteaster bunnies and 3 chocolate egg slabs. Safe to say it was an indulgent weekend and we shouldn't have to buy chocolate again for the rest of 2016 so that's nice. 

3. First Time For Everything. 

Fully taking advantage of the 4 day weekend, my brother, his girlfriend and I took my niece to our local town, went for a Costa where she sat on the counter and looked out the window at all the cars and people going by and took great delight in dropping baby wipe after baby wipe down the back of the counter. We also took her to Waitrose where she chose a fluffy toy chick for herself and demanded to walk around the floor (she cannot walk) which resulted in a crippled back for me. But the best part of the day was a trip to the park where she went on the swings for the first time and whilst she took a while to show any emotion to it at all, having her easter bunny toy in the swing with her, the whole thing suddenly became the most fun ever. And my heart couldn't take the cuteness. 

My niece and her easter bunny on the swings. 

My niece and her easter bunny on the swings. 

4. Taking Time Out. 

So whilst we might have all indulged a bit much on the long weekend, it wasn't really time off for me because I work from home. I did take Sunday and Monday off to spend time with my family but Friday and Saturday were just sunnier, nicer versions of a working day. The other problem I have is my boyfriend works 87492374981628746 hours a week and most of them include a 5.30 start. I am THE lightest sleeper in the world so when he is awake getting ready for work, I am awake. I also find it impossible to go back to sleep if I have been woken so basically, that's me done for the day. So with a weekend full of 5.30 starts and a bedtime after midnight, on Wednesday I took some time out and had a lie on, got a good old breakfast in and then went back to bed and basically spent the first half of the day working from the comfort of my duvet. Sometimes, that's all you need to recharge your batteries and take some well needed me time. 

Cosy bedsheets and tartan pjs. 

Cosy bedsheets and tartan pjs. 

5. Getting My Mojo Back. 

So since Mother's Day at the beginning of the month my illustration business has been a bit on the quiet side and it's really been getting me down because, ya know, it's how I make my money. But the problem is, I couldn't really motivate myself to get out and create work of my own in order to get new business? I just couldn't come up with the ideas, I was more interested in developing my blog and then worrying about money which if anything, puts more pressure on you and kicks you further into that rut. But this week I had the idea of combining blogging and my business and creating blogger inspired merchandise for you lovely folk to buy. So I set up a poll on Twitter, asked people what they'd like to see and I am going to set about creating things like planner and to do lists, notebooks, calendars, prints...loads of things. I have SO many ideas and I can't wait to get into it. For now, I have 10 pocket mirrors with this design on that should be on my Etsy shop next week so if you're interested in one, tweet me at @20sMeltdown or comment below and I'll add you to the list and let you know when they're available! 

Eat Sleep Blog Repeat marble and rose gold print design. 

Eat Sleep Blog Repeat marble and rose gold print design. 

So here would be where I close the post with something witty or insightful but my mum just asked me to put the hoover round and take the washing out before we go get my niece so soz, might be 23 and not live here anymore but what mum's say goes amiright?

Tatty bye!