Friday Favourites 27th February - 4th March 2016.

Just LOOK at those bright daffs???? Spring is here people (lol jk it's snowing up Norf.) If you're struggling to let go of Winter, I thoroughly recommend you mosey on down to Tesco and invest in a bunch of yellow daffs to brighten up your home (they are literally a quid) and they have a whole load of lovely Mother's Day stuff which can be doubled up as a nice treat for yourself. Don't say I don't help a gal out. 

1. Cymru Am Byth. 

This week has been a really nice one to be Welsh (really, those daffodils though). Last Friday Wales beat France in Cardiff in the RBS 6 Nations and if that don't put a smile on a a Welsh man (or woman)'s face I don't know what will. Our Women's team also won and our Under 20s continue to be unbeaten so here's hoping we don't fall at the last hurdle next weekend and we beat England because at the end of the day, it all comes down to that. To top it all off, March 1st the whole country celebrates St Davids day and whilst we might not get to dress up for the Eisteddford like we did in school, it still meant Welsh Cakes and a few more views on my National Anthem print on Etsy

2. Sleepovers. 

Last Friday and Saturday I went to sleepover with my brother, his girlfriend and their daughter; my now nine month (insert crying face emoji here) daughter. Despite the lack of sleep and the Baby Bum songs now ingrained onto my soul, I had THE cutest weekend with my little cherub. Long story short my brother was poorly and his girlfriend had uni work on so I babysat for 30 hours and I loved every second I spent with the little madam. I see her at least twice a week anyway but spending so much time with her was the dream. I got to see her all the times I miss, like at 7.30am when she was bouncing up and down in her cot ready to get up for the day. We watched hours of nursery rhymes, Miffy, Myah the Bee and Mike the Knight. I made her bottles one handed with her on my hip, I gave her her breakfast, lunch and tea, I danced with her and played with her and I rocked her to sleep at bedtime. I took her into town shopping for Mother's Day and I played with her in McDonalds whilst we ate. We watched the Wales game, we wore matching rugby jerseys, the whole thing was adorable and she cried when I left so I'm hoping she had a nice time too. 

3. Alt Bloggers Chat. 

Saturday nights mean one thing; an Alt Bloggers chat which normally I forget or get distracted in. I started taking part a few weeks back and I nearly always forget until half way through and have to play catch up (rugby has been my sin so far) and last week I managed to take part by tweeting one handed and dancing with a baby in the other. Thanks to the Alt Bloggers for tweeting me beforehand to check I was taking part - I absolutely would have forgotten AGAIN. I feel like Alt Bloggers is not the biggest of chats and that's a real shame because it is SUCH a nice one! Last weeks was my absolute fav, I'm going to do a proper post on it next week sometime but I thoroughly recommend you set an alarm to remind yourself to take part this Saturday at 5pm!

Follow @Alt_Bloggers here!

4. IKEA. 

For a fortnight now, my mum and I have been attempting to go to IKEA. We live a half hour away from the Wales branch of IKEA (yes for those who don't know, we only have the single one in the country) so you'd think it wouldn't be that tasking. However, every day we plan to go, something crops up, usually niece related, but we FINALLY made it this week. My mum bought all kinds of practical things like shelving for her new kitchen and I bought all kinds of unpractical things like a glass with a flamingo on, meatballs and this cactus collection. I am unashamed of my new friends and I am sure you will see them cropping up as blog props all over the place. 

5. Steak & BJ Day. 

So bit of an unusual one to include in my Friday Favs but ya know, I always try a bit of cheeky self promo for my business. Someone in a group of friends of mine suggested I make Steak & BJ day cards which falls on Monday March 14th this year and the rest of the ladies jumped on it (so so speak). I then happened to mention it to another set of friends who also said they'd buy some if I made them and whadda ya know, I had a target market all set. I've got 15 of these cards to sell for two quid on my Etsy shop and you've got until next Thursday to grab them for guaranteed delivery! 

Buy here!

Be strong to all you who have snow this weekend, Spring is in the air I promise.