Christmas Haul 2015

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Christmas is over for another year (boooooo) and the Boxing Day sales have been well and truly pilfered. Similar to my 2015 Birthday Haul (read here), here's what I was lucky enough to receive this Christmas season.

1. Stationary. 

You can't beat a bit of stationary in my eyes and thankfully, my parents seemed to agree. Amongst other things I got 28730175930285093 notebooks (seriously, those black and gold stripes and polka dots ones -insert all the preach emoji's here) and I got a shed load of Busy B planners and diaries. Shop the range and organise your life here!

2. iPhone 5C Case. 

The most appropriate case for an artist/illustrator/designer? I thought so too. I currently have a festive gold sparkly case on because Christmas might be over but NYE is coming up so duh, sparkles. But after the festivities are over, this bad boy will be on it. Buy on Amazon here!





3. Sprouts. 

I mentioned I liked some festive Paperchase Christmas decorations involving sprouts to my parents and when they ambled in to the store in Cardiff, they fell in love with the ENTIRE range and ummm well, bought me all of it. I'm talking the mugs, the decorations, the tea towels, the bottle stoppers...they went all out and I am IN LOVE. They're out of stock online but you might be able to snap some up in store.

4. Candles. 

Clearly my family read my Christmas Wishlist post and noted my appreciation of candles and most notably, rose gold. This lovely lot were from Asda and you might still be in with a chance of getting them in some stores.

5. Christmas Decorations.

Nothing says Christmas present quite like some decorations for next year. You don't get to enjoy them this year but one of my favourite things is to open the christmas decoration boxes next December and find all those lovely things you'd forgotten about. Festive bliss. Blocks are from Tesco and not available online anymore!



Other things I received (amongst the usual socks, scarves, chocolate etc) include;

The Badass Blog Planner.

Blogging For Creatives.

100 Great Children's Picture Books.

642 Tiny Things To Write About.

712 More Things To Write About.

Paperchase Fries Money Box.

'G' Makeup Bag. 

What an ideal Christmas haul. Hope yours was just as happy as mine!