Friday Favourites 9th - 15th April 2016.

Friday Favourites 15th April 2016 Promo Photo. 

Friday Favourites 15th April 2016 Promo Photo. 

I'm writing this post on Thursday 14th in a duvet cos last night I puked for no good reason so there's a nice bit of overshare for you. 

Another week has absolutely flown by, it honestly feels like yesterday I was in Bristol not a week and a half ago. This week has been super sunny which is always nice and I really feel like summer is on it's way and suddenly, summer holiday in July seems just round the corner. 

This week has been one of scrimping and saving and planning for the future and all kinds of boring things. It's the end of the tax year so I have been filling in my tax returns which was hugely boring and stressful. I have also been driving like a pro because I have very limited fuel in my car and not enough money to fill it, turning down fun with friends cos damnnn gurl got 1.15 in her bank account right now and ringing phone companies for the cheapest deal on a new contract. So yeah, I'll be pleased to get some dollah in next week. 

1. Response To My Blog. 

So let's not beat around the bush here, no matter how much you say you don't care about the stats on your blog, you do. You can't help it. You get sucked into the world of Google Analytics and Instagram grids and engagement and stats and if you have a good day, it puts you in a proper good mood. So this week when I posted about 10 books you should have on your book shelf, I didn't think anything more of it. I enjoyed writing it, I enjoyed selecting the books, I enjoyed taking the photos but I didn't expect it to go so well. I just thought it was something unusual and a nice addition to my content but I had SUCH a nice response! I had more comments on this post than any other and the Twitter feedback was lovely too. You made a gal happy. 

Read the original post here.  

10 Books You Need On Your Book Shelf Promo Photo. 

10 Books You Need On Your Book Shelf Promo Photo. 

2. Blogging Inspired Pocket Mirrors. 

So a few weeks back I was talking about how I was lacking in illustrative motivation but my blog inspiration was off the scale so I combined the two and started thinking about blogger inspired illustrated merchandise. I'm starting with these 76mm Eat Sleep Blog Repeat pocket mirrors which are rose gold and marble obvs. They're on for £4.75 and I only have a limited stock so make sure you grab one off Etsy before they're all gone! 

Shop them here!

Eat Sleep Blog Repeat Pocket Mirror. 

Eat Sleep Blog Repeat Pocket Mirror. 

3. MIC returns. 

I am not ashamed to admit I have a penchant for shitty reality TV. Give me some Don't Tell The Bride, Kardashians, Real Housewives any day. So this week I was pretty happy to see the return of Made In Chelsea (followed by Real Housewives of Cheshire and then Gotham which makes a nice little Monday viewing). Season 11 kicked off in normal Chelsea style with Jamie Laing showing off his bum, some love triangles and the normal luxury and expense you've come to expect. Massively happy it's back. 

(MIC is on E4 Monday nights at 9pm).

Made In Chelsea logo. 

Made In Chelsea logo. 

4. Matalan Homeware. 

I have been a fan of Matalan for a good few years now. Long gone are the days of it being like Macro and only being able to shop if you had a loyalty card. Now Matalan has a sharp collaboration with Abby Clancey, it's fashion is grazing the pages of the magazines and the homeware is having a moment. I'm talking rose gold, I'm talking monochrome, I'm talking initial EVERYTHING....I have been stocking up on their homeware bit by bit for a long time now because it's 1. Beautiful and 2. Affordable. Oh and they do 10% student discount which isn't heavily advertised. 

Shop Matalan homeware here!

5. Sunny Days. 

Yes I am back into my routine of wandering the streets and parks of Cardiff with my niece. This week the weather was beaauuutiful (I even took my coat off, yes siree) and we wandered round the shops and walked home through the park. She is growing into the funniest little girl that is picking up things like peepo and climbing the stairs before she can walk and talk and it's a joy to have such a close bond with her. Also she has wardrobe goals so there's that too. 

My plans for next week include lots of crappy TV, some more babysitting and hopefully a new phone contract. A cheap one! 




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