Friday Favourites 28th October 2016.

FF 28.10.2016

Another looooong old week this one isn't it? Friday seems to have been a long time coming and whilst not as dramatically poop as last week, this one has just been long and busy. 

It's half term here in Wales and that means everywhere is busy, the roads are heaving and I've been taking my niece here there and everywhere because my Dad happened to have a week off too. Aside from that I've also been navigating and collating my advertisers which comes into affect on November 1st, pitching for a job, working, blogging and creating all my Christmas products which will be soft launching next week. 

It's been busy, my To Do list is the length of my arm and I feel like I've forgotten about 20 things I should be doing but there we go, at least Christmas is less than 2 months away right? 

1. Last Friday Favourites*

*For now. 

Probably should get this one out of the way first and foremost, only my blogging baes have known I am finishing my Friday Favourites and they've known for a few weeks now. I've kinda not enjoyed writing these posts every week for a little while now, maybe since August but I wanted to get a year of them under my belt (my first was written at the end of September 2015). I just kinda feel like they're a bit stale, a bit overdone but I absolutely love writing my bumper ones which happens occasionally. Sooo what's the plan? As part of the mini revamp of my blog where I ditch the content I don't like and ditch the schedule, I'm planning on this being the last weekly Friday Favourites and instead I'll only be writing bumper ones. I feel a bit like Hannah Gale who used to do weekly FFs and now does one at the end of the month and as devastated as I was when she stopped it, I totally feel how draining it can be now. I don't quite know how it's going to work yet, at the moment I'm thinking one bumper issue at the end of every month but if that gets a bit much I'll maybe do one every fortnight. We'll see, it's all a bit of a trial but I'm excited by it, we all need a change every now and then and I'm glad I did a years worth. 

Autumn Leaves. 

2. Dan Yr Ogof. 

This week me, my Mum and my Dad used up the last of our Tesco vouchers and took my niece about an hour up the road to Dan Yr Ogof, the National Showcaves of Wales, somewhere we've been going for a long long time. My niece loves 'dinos' which is a huge part of the attraction as well as the caves and they have a farm full of wild running animals too. In fact, she's already been once in July with the other half of her family and whilst only 17 months old, she had a blast so we thought we were on safe ground. Cue turning up and she hadn't had her nap in the car, was scared of the dinosaurs and couldn't go in one of the caves because the Halloween attraction was too scary for little ones. Luckily she perked up and said hi to the baby dinosaurs (and a passing dog) and enjoyed seeing all the animals and the waterfalls in the caves she could explore. It was a super cute day out and it was nice to experience places we've been going since we were babies with her.  

3. The Walking Dead.

Right so social media as ever ruined the start of season 7 for me because nobody puts spoilers warnings but then I forgot to put one for GBBO so who can I blame really? I don;t have access to TWD on current season but me and my Dad just started season 6 which we got on boxset and OMFG SO GOOD. Pretty gutted I know certain things about season 7 because it certainly spoils certain points of season 6 but still, it's a cracking bit of TV anyway. 

4. Dyffryn Gardens. 

Ahhh one of my favourite places in the world, back again. This is my local National Trust property and we went there again last week with my niece and my Dad who bizarrely hadn't been there before. It was cold and sunny and gorgeous and I took about 10 billion photos in the cacti house so my Instagram is full when the dark weather inevitably ruins my life. My niece ran about with a stick and a leaf and an acorn she found and she also took great delight in telling my Dad that I lived in a tree with a worm. Neither of these facts are true I might add. 

5. GBBO Final. 

Ahhh the end of an era. The Bake Off final was definitely a highlight of the week and in the interests of spoilers (probs don't read my Twitter), all I shall say is my favourite won. It was a bit of a bitter sweet watch knowing it was the last on the Beeb and then; a Christmas miracle! Two specials with all the gang before it leaves us. If you haven't seen it yet, definitely watch it on catchup, it's all kinds of lovely baking bliss. 

So that's it! My last ever weekly Friday Favourites! I'll be back in a month (or maybs in a fortnight if I get all reckless). Thanks for reading them the past year!