Hopes & Plans For 2017

Big shoutout to Hannah for this on message birthday present. 

You might remember many moons ago (yesterday) when I wrote this revisited post on my hopes and plans for 2016 which I wrote last December. 


Remember that?


Today I am back with 17 Hopes & Plans (mainly hopes, I have no plans lol) for 2017 which, come this time next year I will review again because I am a basic blogger bitch and I know how to get the most out of content yuh huh. 

*After I wrote this I've realised it reads more like a bucket list type plan for the year so that's fun and all right?

  1. I'll be ending this year on just over 200K pageviews on the old blog and I'd love to get to like 500K by the end of 2017. I think that'd be a cute round number to end on and a good progression for my wee corner of the internet. 
  2. Go to Venice. Plz plz plz this has been on my list for 2 years and I am SO keen for it to happen this year!
  3. Go to the rugby. I love watching Wales live at the Millennium (no I know it's called the Principality now but I refuse) and I haven't been in so long. I need to get me some 6 Nations or Autumn International tickets or something. Cymru Am Byth!
  4. Secure some more brand collabs. I have LOVED working on the ones I have done this year and I'm keen to get some more under my belt. 
  5. Get published/signed to an agency. Well we've all gotta hope right?
  6. Start paying back my car. I paid a huge chunk of my car off when I bought it, I used all the last of my student loan but I still have one or two THOUSAND pound left to pay back. Kill me. 
  7. Work out some kind of blogging challenge for Christmas 2017. I didn't do Blogmas this year and one of the main reasons was I blog regularly if not ever day anyway so I want to create a different kind of challenge for next year. 
  8. Renovate my house. I don't even know where to start with my complicated living situation but basically in January we're starting work on our house and I'm keen to get it all organised and sassy. 
  9. Teach my niece lots of lovely things and spend lots of time with her. 
  10. Learn to cook better. I mentioned in yesterday's post that me and Joss are going to choose a new recipe every week and I want to make lots of yummy homemade meals. 
  11. Make healthier choices. I have stopped running again and I really need to get back into it because I do want to do the age old cliche and get healthier, fitter and preferably drop a dress size come the new year. 
  12. Hit social media milestones. I haven't actually decided what these milestones are yet, I find it really hard to work out a goal for my SM channels because they're so different month on month but whatever I decide those goals are, I want to smash it. 
  13. Create something meaningful. I don't even know what, I just want to create something whether it be from my blog or my artwork or something else but I want to do something that counts. 
  14. Save money. I find it SO hard to save money due to my career and the unreliability of my job but this year I managed to save enough for Christmas shopping and I need to get on and do the same come 2017. 
  15. Organised #BloggerPitP2. After the success of our first blogging event last summer I know me and the baes said we'd love to do another one and make it an annual thing and I really hope we manage to pull it off bigger and better next August. 
  16. And speaking of the baes I am SO keen to see their gorgeous little faces again. Like if someone wants a cabin or a house or something near a lake or summin pretty reviewed next year by a group of bloggers I think we'd be down with a long weekend away. #prrequest. Jokes. But not really. 
  17. MAKE LOTS OF MONEY. The girl can dream. 















