How I Blogged For 33 Days Straight*


*without going mad!

If you look at the archives of my blog, you will see that I have been blogging every day now for 33 days. For some who blog every day and have been for months or years this won't seem like a lot but for some people who blog in the way I normally do (a few times a week) the idea of blogging every day is taxing. 

Oh FYI some days it doesn't look like I blogged but you'll find the day before it says I blogged twice, anyone got any ideas why it might have done that because I am none the wiser!

I didn't actually intend to blog every day for so long, it wasn't like a challenge like when I blogged for every day of Advent but I just kind of have......

Today as this goes live and tomorrow I am back in Wrexham reliving my uni days for 24 hours and catching up with my friends so there won't be a blog post tomorrow, so here's how I blogged for 33 days straight:

1. I didn't set myself the goal! I think this is the biggest part of how I have blogged for 33 days without getting stressed out about it. I didn't intend to do this so if one day I hadn't blogged and the chain had ended as it will tomorrow, it really wouldn't have mattered. The lack of pressure made the actual blogging so much easier. 

2. It was varied content. I have the same kind of posts that happen regularly like my Friday Favourites, my social media round up and my month in photos at the end of the month and me quotes at the beginning but other than that my content was wide and varied and posts were variable in length and format so it never seemed samey. 

3. I leave gaps in my schedule. I do have a blog planner and I schedule posts in it about a month in advance (I only tend to write them up a day or two in advance, I'm not that organised) but I leave gaps for inspiration. Something might happen in the news that sparks an idea, something might happen in my life, I might just have a cracking idea that I want to just get done and having those gaps means that when inspiration strikes, I can fill them quite easily!

4. People are reading. One of the most motivating things to keep blogging is people reading. Everyone says they blog for themselves and to some extent that's true and then again, you can't deny it's a good feeling when your stats keep rising. One of the reasons I kept blogging this month was the lovely lovely comments and feedback from people that inspired me to write new content. 

5. I haven't run out of inspiration. I have a list of blog post ideas in my blogging schedule notebook which is around 100 bullet points long and I haven't dipped into a single one. I am constantly thinking of new content and that's not slowing down any time soon and I think that's the biggest reason I have blogged so much. 


How many times a week do you blog? Have you ever tried blogging daily? How do you find the time to blog with everything else in your life?



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