How To Guest Blog With Me - An Update.

Guest Blog on Twenty Something Meltdown.

Two blog posts in one day? What kind of animal am I?

My summer homeware edit was scheduled but this one I am writing off the cuff and I'm going to publish immediately - I know, I know, madness. 

So the point of this little update is to let you know that just 3 days after I sent out an appeal for guest bloggers for the fortnight I am on holiday, I have filled all the slots. Every single one from Friday 15th July - Sunday 31st and that also means I decided not to blog myself for the whole fortnight and leave it up to my guests so that means I filled three extra slots too. 

Firstly a MASSIVE MASSIVE thank you to everyone who wanted a space - it's a testimony to the readers of my blog that they want to get involved and I can only hope now that the fortnight goes off as I want it to - as a celebration of bloggers I love and bloggers I don't yet know and I can't wait. 

The slots were given on a first come first serve basis (although the schedule itself will be based on splitting up similar content so if you were 3rd to ask for a space, you're not necessarily 2rd in the schedule, geddit?)

I have had people asking if I still have spaces in the fortnight and sadly, of course I do not. However, I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on writing for me and for having the chance to promote their own work on my platform so I have decided to continue my run of guest bloggers. 

I am starting with one guest blogger a month and if it kicks off, I'll think about increasing it. Same rules apply, whatever you want to write about is your choice as long as you understand I have full discretion on what's posted so nothing mean and shady plz. I will also need a promo photo (selfie, blog banner, whatever) plus two or more photos for the body of text, all of which can be emailed to me:

I don't want to commit to a specific day a month where I host someone as I want to integrate them into my own content so what I am asking for is my guest blogger to send their content to me by the first of every month and then I'll let them know what date they're up. 

As always I'll be including all your social media and blog links plus a promo on Twitter and Instagram and hopefully it'll be a really fun way of finding new blogs to fangirl over!

My August slot is already filled so if you want to write something for September just let me know! Thanks again to everyone who signed up for July and apologies again to anyone who missed out!




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