How To Start A Bullet Journal.

Bullet Journals - the hottest thing happening in stationery right now. 

It is no secret that I am a massive fan, as are 213829847238764 bloggers and non bloggers alike and it's taken the world by storm. Bullet Journaling has really changed the way I take notes and track my goals and my habits in a way I probably wouldn't have paid attention to before and I can't see my love depleting any time soon. 

If you're considering starting a bullet journal but haven't taken the plunge or you have read about it but don't know where to start - here's a few recommendations from one addict on how to get the ball rolling. 

  • Google It - 100% the first thing you should do is to get on the official website of the genius who founded the bullet journal system. I myself actually don't use some of the fundamental points of the BuJo that much such as the index and the key, I have them but I don't use them, I almost fill them in as a bit of duty and when I've filled the page I probs won't carry on. However, you won't know what you want to include and what you don't want to include if you don't look at the system behind it and that's where a quick Google comes in. 

Visit the website here -

  • Get The Supplies - You can't start a bullet journal without a draw full of stationery let's be fair. The top guys for the bullet journal are the Leuchttrum 1917 and the Moleskine notebooks which are both available on Amazon but to be honest, I use a bargain I bought in TK Maxx and I know Sarah uses a Paperchase one so it's completely up to you what you want and what size works for you. Think carefully about what type of pens to stock up on too - the paper in some notebooks can be quite thin and things like fountain pens can ghost really badly whereas a fineliner or biro probably won't. If you want to include colour (unlike me, bujo as black as my heart lol) get on the coloured pencils and washi tape and treat yo self to some days of the week sticker from my Etsy!
  • Pinterest - Pinterest is a bullet journal fanatics wet dream. Just get yourself on it, even if you aren't signed up and have a browse at all the beautiful pins and boards. This is what I did before I set mine up and it gave me so much inspiration and really clarified for me what I wanted mine to include. There are some amazing designers out there so make sure you have a nosey before you get started!  

Follow my Pinterest board on Bullet Journaling here!

  • Test The Waters - The biggest biggest piece of advice I can give is to sketch out page layouts on scrap paper before drawing them in your BuJo. Yes the whole beauty of the journal is that it's yours and it's individual and it doesn't matter if you make a mistake but take it from me, when you mess up on your FIRST BLOODY PAGE you will do a little cry and rip it out. Sketch things out on scrap paper and avoid having a half full journal because you've made all the mistakes and wobbly lines. 
  • Don't Include Things You Know You Won't Use - I knew right off the bat I wasn't going to use things like a happiness tracker or a weight loss tracker or anything like that so I plain didn't include them. If you know you won't get into it don't include it, it's a waste of pages and you'll just feel sad at your lack of entires. That being said if you're not sure but you like the sound of it then give it a go - that's how I felt about my habit tracker and now I am OBSESSED with filling it in! 
  • Make It Yours- The best best best part of the bullet journal is it is completely up to you how you work on it. You can add what you want, take out what you want, remove parts half way through, illustrate it how you want, doodle, scribble, colour in....literally whatever you want to do with it. The best advice I can give for someone starting a bullet journal is not to feel you have to copy someone else's or make it pretty - just set it up and use it in a way that benefits you the most. 

Hopefully this has given you the motivation you need to start a bullet journal of your very own - they really are a really fun way of notebooking/journaling/organising! 



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