An Introduction To My Guest Bloggers.

My guest blog schedule!

Yasss the time has come, I have packed my suitcases (lol who am I kidding), the car is full of fuel and I'm ready for my holidays which means handing my little space of the internet over to 17 gorgeous gals who've very kindly written something for me for every day I'm away. 

As a way of a HUGE I can never repay you thank you - here's a little introduction to all of them and what they're posting about during the next fortnight. 

I flippin' love you all -insert imaginary row of heart emojis here-

1. Hannah.


Topic: 5 Bullet Journal Hacks. 

When I decided on the idea of guest bloggers there were a few people I particularly had in mind that I really wanted to do one and happily Hannah was one of them who agreed. Secondly, as soon as she agreed I prayed she would do a bullet journal post and whadda ya know, the beaut obliged yet again and she's come up with 5 little hacks to making your journaling much easier. Not only is her photography beautiful but her journal is beautiful and I am in love with every post she does so I was pretty darn excited to read one before everyone else! 

2. Steph. 


Topic: 10 Things I Learned As A New Blogger. 

Steph managed to nab the very last space on my schedule (even though she ended up second lol) and she was just in time because I actually had a lot of requests once it was full. Steph is a relatively newbie blogger and thus has written a really handy list of things she's learned which you can apply to your blog, no matter what stage you're at. She was also an absolute babe when she emailed me her blog and gave me a promo photo in basically every format you can think of so it'd be easier for me. Definitely go to her if you need a guest blog written! 

3. Nina. 


Topic: Broadstairs: The Great British Seaside. 

So when I got sent Nina's blog post I was feeling pretty chuffed and a bit smug that my post on holidaying in the UK inspired hers and I really enjoyed reading about somewhere I didn't know. Since reading it she's actually posted a photo or two on her Insta of the beach in the sun and it just made me want to get down there immediately - so cute. Nina's blog banner says 'a crafty lifestyle blog' and I have never seen a banner that more summed up my blog or my life so you should definitely check out her other posts for that reason alone. 

4. Megan.

Topic: The Big Smoke. 

You might've noticed Megan doesn't have a link to her blog and that's because ummmm she doesn't have one....yet. I am privileged to introduce Megan to the world as she is one of my scrummiest friends from school, the type of friend you see every few months now we're miles apart for coffee and a bit of putting the world to rights. Megan signed up for this before I had even really conceived the idea. I mentioned last time I saw her I thought I might do it and she asked that if I did that I include her as she's thinking of starting her own blog and it'd be a good stepping stone to see if she enjoyed it. Meg writes in a way like no other blog I read and it's unsurprising from an English graduate that she has a way with words. So yeah, if you like her blog please tell us because maybe it'll make her start up her own blog and then she'll get famous and she'll get a book deal and the world will be a better place for it. 

5. Sarah. 


Topic: Things Girls Do But Don't Like To Admit. 

Ya know those people I REALLY wanted to say yes to guest blogging I mentioned above? Sarah was another one and boy oh boy I was made up she agreed to do it. Sarah is the brains behind #BloggerPitP, the bloggers picnic we're hosting in August in London and she's kindly let me and a few others (nearly all of whom are guest posting for me actually) co organise with her so we have a big group message which is full of secrets for the event you guys can't know about yet. There's still places so make sure you get one by visiting her blog and emailing her! Oh and her post for her day is HILARIOUS and was the blog I read quickest because I sat there nodding throughout. So many truths. 

6. Amyleigh. 


Topic: Tips And Tricks For Anxiety.

Amyleigh is another blogger co hosting the bloggers picnic with me and Sarah (and Hannah and Nina from above, hey gals!) in August. As I type this she is currently on holiday and her Instagram is FULL of it and it's making me all kinds of jealous and all kinds of fan girl/stalker cos I can't help but like every single one.  Also Amyleigh if you're reading this, I know I emailed you when you were away asking for your social media links but I found them hidden in the post so don't worry, they're linked!! Amyleigh wrote a post a little while back about films she's seen and music she's listened to and I basically fell in love with her because she mentioned a band I love that nobody else seems to have heard of. She is bae. 

7. Amy & Billie. 


Topic: Our Most Disappointing Products. 

Yasss my only blogging duo of the whole fortnight! These two gems are not only the babies of the guest post schedule at just 19, they're also super newbie bloggers....not that you'd know from their writing. Absolute angels to work with, they made it so easy for me to schedule the content and get all the images in the right place and they sent me everything I needed to know. I loved this post because I don't see a lot of bad reviews of products, you mostly find posts about people's favs so it was super refreshing to read something that someone didn't like, especially because they include something Aussie which you think would be tip tip top. 


8. Jess. 


Topic: Cuppa Catch Up. 

I advise that when you read Jess' blog post you do actually go get a cuppa and snuggle up because I didn't when I read it and I really regret it. It literally is like a big life catch up on who Jess is and what she's been up to and it's basically like chatting with an old friend you haven't seen in a while - a writing quality I adore in bloggers. Jessica was an absolute dream to work with for the guest post too as she made it SO easy for me to schedule her post and sent me every social media link known to man so I didn't have to find it anddddd if that wasn't good enough she features a photo of her adorable dog too. 

9. Llinos. 


Topic: 5 Things Children Today Will Never Experience. 

Yay fellow Welshie Llinos! And someone who recently chatted with me about the perils of having a really Welsh name that nobody is quite sure how to pronounce. Llinos was the first person to send me her blog content so long ago I can barely remember it, it's been scheduled for so so long. I literally think it was a few days after she asked to take part and it was such a relief knowing one was done out of the way and in the bag. Llinos' blog post is a really interesting read and particularly the last point made me think a lot so watch out for her day!

10. Tania. 

Topic: Getting A Mortgage And Shitting A Brick. 

Another guest poster without a blog link and another real life friend. Tania (Tan-Eye-Ah not Tanya FYI) has featured on this blog before as she's one of my university besties and fellow 2015 graduate and someone I talk to all the bloody time and go stay in a hotel in Wrexham with when we catch up. Tania wanted to write for me because when she gets her house sorted (see title of post) she's thinking of starting up a blog to document her house, her decorating and her life as a twenty something home owner and if her blog for me is anything to go by it'll be full of swearing and GIFs. Just how I like a good blog post. Oh and LOOK at her tats, just look. 

11. Ellie. 


Topic: Beauty Blogging On A Budget. 

Ok so I have major photo envy when it comes to Ellie's blog, just look at that header for a bit longer why don't you?? I'd heard of Ellie's blog before she wrote for me because her blog name properly rolls off the tongue in the same way mine does, those three words, and I thought it was such a good title. When Ellie said she wanted to use this post for her guest slot I was made up because she'd posted it on her own blog a little while back and I'd read it and loved it. Full of tips on how to budget blog and not necessarily limited to beauty blogging, it's well worth bookmarking or saving to your Bloglovin page or summin. 

12. Liz. 


Topic: I Don't Think I Could Ever Live Alone. 

So I confused poor Liz with the deadline but she made it and I am thrilled she found time to take part even between switching jobs! Liz is Brazilian and pitched why she should write for me as it would help her with her English and I'm sure when it comes to reading her post you'll agree with me she needed nooooo help whatsoever. Her blog title loosely translate as manual for adulthood and she's a twenty something like me and most of my audience and I just love that we have similar blogs. I totally got her post, I don't think I could ever live alone either and she makes a Hunger Games reference at the beginning of her content which was comedy gold. 

13. Katie.


Topic: The Body Shop Camomile Cleansing Butter. 

Another Welshie! A South Waleian Welshie at that too! Katie had the patience of an absolute saint when it came to guest blogging for me because I sent her countless Twitter DM's and basically sounded a bit naggy even though I knew she was hideously busy and she still came up trumps with a post from me! The post originally featured on her blog just last week but she's added a fe bits in for me and as someone who has made no qualms about finding beauty blogs hard to read; hers really isn't. Not only is her photography GORGEOUS (srsly, go stalk her on Instagram) this post just sounds like the most genuine review and like she was just massively happy with this product. Oh and you legit need a pea sized amount for it to work which is reason enough to read on in my opinion. 

14. Mel. 


Topic: You Live On An Island?

Oh hey lookee here, ANOTHER organiser of the picnic! (FYI the only one missing is Effi from Sparkleberry blog) I was made up when Mel agreed to write something for me because she's one of them online pals that always makes me laugh and she writes in a really similar sarcastic, humorous way that I try to write in on my blog. She's written a piece about living on the Isle of Wight now she's moved back to London (legit like last week, she wrote this on the Tube) and I flippin love it because I have made it no secret I LOVE the island and I basically just go omfgiloveit every time she talks about it. Oh and she has an adorable little brother who features on her snapchat from time to time so he's basically more famous than I am. 

15. Sarah. 


Topic: 100 Years On From The Battle Of The Somme. 

Another Sarah! Sarah is someone probably a lot of bloggers speak to on Twitter because she is just always so supportive and enthusiastic and generally lovely and you always see her popping up! Sarah's banner gets me every time, I feel like every blog, heck every life, needs added cake and we discussed this at length via email when she submitted her guest post for me. Probably the most diverse topic of the whole fortnight, Sarah wrote this whilst watching the tributes to the soldiers who fought in the Somme on July 1st and I think in a way it's more prevalent  that her post is going live nearly a month later as I think it's important we think about these events, remember these people always, not just on a day of Remembrance. 

16. Alyssa. 


Topic: Pick A Side. 

I think the ambiguity of Alyssa's guest post title is what makes it so intriguing. It's such a wide scope for a title and I think it all becomes clear after you've read her piece and maybe isn't what you think it might be. I won't spoil it for you but it's a beautifully written piece of content and I think she just sums up what it's like to be in your twenties having contrasting opinions on life and how you're living it and where you want it to go next. Isn't being twenty something wonderful? Also EVERY time I go on her blog I see her greeting and it makes me sing a mixture of Pillowtalk and Trap Queen so there's that too. No? Just me?

17. Hailey. 


Topic: 10 Life Lessons From Mean Girls. 

I really wanted to end my guest blog schedule on a really particular note and when Hailey said what content she had planned I immediately mentally scheduled it for the last slot. I had to convince Hailey to take part in this because at the time she said she didn't have many content ideas but I kept fan girling over her post about the Kardashians (go check that out) and I managed to convince her something equally as witty would be ideal and thus; Mean Girls life lessons was born. GIF heavy, this post is the perfect way to end the fortnight and you'll have the quotes stuck in your head for days. 

So that's it! My 17 beautiful guest bloggers (although 18 I spose if we take Amy and Billie into account) and they'll be with you from tomorrow right up until August. I can't thank you all enough for taking part and letting me go on holiday knowing my little blog is in safe hands - I hope you all enjoy what each other has written too and enjoyed being a part of it! 

All that's left then is to put my Etsy shop on holiday and get the sunnies out for a fortnight. I'll be about on social media I'm sure (you can take the girl on holiday but you can't take the Instgram away from the girl) but otherwise I'll see you on the flip side! 

Happy summer!