The Liebster Award Part 2!

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The Liebster Award Logo. hg

So twice in one month I have been nominated for a Liebster award! Which is pretty flippin cute and I am very touched! This time I was nominated by Madi from Glamorous Mayhem  and I know some bloggers don't like to accept the award and answer the questions more than once but as each post is different and each set of questions is different, I'm still going ahead! 

So here are the rules if you aren't aware already; 

1. Mention the blogger who tagged you and thank them. 

2. Answer the 11 questions they set you. 

3. Nominate 11 bloggers (the majority of awards I have seen actually only nominate 5 and that's what I did last time so that's what I'll do again).

4. Set 11 questions to your nominees. 

5. Notify them on Twitter. 

So here are my questions set by Madi! 

1. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?

I have a really weird relationship with travel. I have a list the length of my arm that I want to visit from Oz, New Zealand, New York, San Fran, Rome, Barcelona, Venice (again), Prague (again), Sicily, Sri Lanka, many. However I am always poor and always end up on British holidays which are genuinely lovely and I really enjoy travelling round the UK but hey, it ain't always warm or sunny. But if I could go ANYWHERE all expenses paid, it'd be Bora Bora. 

2. How long have you been blogging?

I entered my first blog post in March 2015 so technically over a year but I wasn't doing it regularly until about August/September so I definitely won't be celebrating a blogging birthday soon! 

3. What made you start blogging?

My blog actually started as a project for uni in my third year and final term. We were asked to write them as a way for my tutors to easily find our essays and so that's how it started! We then did a module on running our own business and it was mentioned that blogging was a really good way of keeping your website current and keep it ticking over on Google page rankings. So I started writing every now and then about exhibiting or uni or my business and I realised that actually, I really loved writing and blogging and so I just carried on and now I'm nattering away about everything under the sun! 

4. What's your favourite takeout food?

I don't think you can beat a good old fashioned British fish and chippy. Preferably in a cone with so much salt and vinegar your eyes sting a little and eaten on a pier on the sea front in the summer. 

5. How would you describe your style?

Not 100% sure if this means fashion style or writing style? But writing style is definitely list orientated, I just find it so much easier to write in that format and I like reading them myself. I also make sure I write exactly how I speak which is why sometimes I'm basically unreadable. I love blogs that write how the author speaks and includes all the phrases they obviously use in real life because it just adds so much more personality to a blog for me. 

Fashion wise I am in LOVE with 1382094723964 fashion styles and my Pinterest would like you to believe I am a lot more put together than I actually am in real life. 99% of my wardrobe is Primark and you can normally find me head to toe decked in it (hey a girl is poor, sue me). Most days I am in navy super high waist super skinny jeans and a long sleeve top in black, grey or white, occasionally navy or maroon. I don't really do colour. I will normally be wearing ankle boots even in the summer and I live in a green quilted coat and tartan scarf. I have 3 piercings in each year and I ALWAYS wear nail varnish. 

6. What is the favourite thing about yourself?

I am one seriously organised person. I used to be that friend in school that would have a Facebook event for every weekend when we had house parties AT OTHER PEOPLES HOUSES. Not mine. Not ever mine. People would just be like oh yeah my house is free this weekend and then just leave it up to me to get everyone there. I can organise a group event in my sleep. 

7. What makes you happy?

I thought long and hard about this answer and I came to the conclusion that I am a proper homebird. If I'm in a bad mood it is always being at home in my trackies with a huge mug of tea and a duvet and some reality shit on the TV. It's my parents and my brother and my boyfriend and my cat and my niece that I rely on. Or failing that going for a drive in the summer and blasting music out down by the coast is the one. 

8. Favourite TV show. 

Let's just put this out there, I watch A LOT of tv. I probably can't pick a favourite but I'm in to panel shows like 8/10 Cats, Mock The Week, Have I Got News For You. I love half hour BBC Three comedies like Cuckoo and Uncle and Russell Howard. I watch A LOT of reality tv like Real Housewives of Atalanta, Cheshire, Orange County and Beverly Hills. I also love a good gritty documentary like anything by Stacey Dooley and Making A Murderer was one of the best things I have ever watched. Ooh also medical programmes like One Born and 24 Hours in A&E. I also watch a lot of American series like Castle and CSI and The Mentalist and Gotham and Justified. But atm of what I watch on TV currently mu favs are Graham Norton, Made In Chelsea, Gogglebox and Keeping Up With The Kardashians. 

9. Favourite sweets. 

I really don't eat sweets at all but chocolate is my vice. I can't be dealing with anything that isn't Cadburys (Nestle makes me want to vom) and I always have a Twix in my car for emergencies. I am still working my way through my Easter eggs because I stocked up because Easter egg chocolate is SOOO much better than regular chocolate am I right?

10. What's your dream job?

I always wanted to be a freelance illustrator so that is pretty flippin lucky as that is what I am! I would love to illustrate children's books ultimately so that would be goals and I'd also like to make some money off my blog now I have discovered loving that! 

11. Celebrity crush?

Oooh I kinda answered this one in my first Liebster award. Currently Tom Hardy, don't think that needs an explanation. 

I love answering questions like this and reading interviews like this because I think it's a really fun way of finding out more about a blogger. 

So with that in mind, here are my 100 questions! 

1. How old are you? This isn't a rude one, I am just really freaking out lately about bloggers I've been reading and then I find out they're like 13 and I'm all holy shit thought we were the same age?!

2. Do you have a bullet journal? If so how are you using it? If not, do you want to start one? Or do you organise yourself in another way?

3. Do you take part in Twitter chats? Which are your favourites?

4. Have you been to uni? What did you study? If you do you want to go? What do you want to do?

5. What song have you got on repeat at the moment?

6. Tell us a bit about your family or your childhood. 

7. Where do you live? Vaguely let's not invite stalkers. 

8. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your days what would it be?

9. How do you identify as a blogger? Do you have a niche?

10. Link to three of your favourite bloggers that you like to read and tell us why!

11. Do you have an Instagram theme? If so do you find it restricting? If not do you want to do one or are you avoiding it?

So! My nominations!

Sorry to anyone who has done one before, if you don't want to do one again! 

Holly from Holly

Jessica from A Slice Of Life. 

Emily from Up The Diff. 

Jodie from A Textile Perspective. 

Katie from Life Of Kitty. 

Thanks again Madi for my lovely second nomination!




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