My Month In Photos - April 2016

21 Photos of April 2016. 

21 Photos of April 2016. 

Anyone else have to look back at how they format recurring posts that only happen once a month? Cos I haven't got a clue how this post looks when I come to write it on the last day. 

Having a look back at my photos through April it looks like it's been lovely and sunny which is a bit of a pisser seen as some of the country has had snow in the last few days. At the beginning of the month I went to Bristol and even managed to wear slip on shoes without socks without contracting frost bite so I consider that a winner. 

I've had a pretty good month and March seems a long and distant memory and like it was just yesterday all at the same time. My boyfriend has a more consistent rota in at the moment so whilst it's still horrible hours, it's more routine and we know where we are which is SO much nicer when it comes to planning things! 

I've spent my weekends being busy and doing nice things like spending time with family and going out and about exploring and marvelling at how much better my new iPhone 6 camera is vs my old phone. 

I have of course spent the majority of my time as always either working or babysitting my niece who I have seen at least twice a week - and most weeks at least 3 or 4! I've been to Bristol and I've booked to go to Wrexham and Derby in May so I have lots of exciting things to look forward to. 

So on to my month in photos. 

1. Bristol. 

At the beginning of the month I hopped on a coupla trains and moseyed on down to Bristol to meet my flatmate from uni who lives just over the Severn from me. It was a beaaautiful sunny day and we had a really lovely time catching up after a few months of being apart and we shopped which obviously was the best part of the day. Ooh and we did McDonalds Monopoly which was wonderful.

1. The Weather. 

Ok so I want to talk about how the April showers have missed us and the weather has been glorious but the last few days have let us down bad. Hopefully May will bring us some sunsets like the one below and some blue skies and I'm hoping it's a scorcher for my few days in Wrexham because is there anything better than a road trip when it's hot and you can have the windows down and the music up and crack on with the sunnies? I thought not. 

3. RHS Flower Show Bute Park, Cardiff. 

So this wouldn't normally be my ideal way of spending a Sunday but my mum is a keen gardener and wanted to support the local show and didn't have anyone to go with so I agreed to accompany her. It was actually a really cute day and we met up with my brother, my niece and her other set of grandparents and auntie and it was lovely. And my Instagram benefitted massively from such a lovely load of tulips. 

4. Work Work Work. 

I hope you read that title in the style of Rihanna cos that's how I envisaged it. I've been working on my blog more than my illustration this month which has really paid off with getting my blog up and running in the way I want but not really paying the bills. Life. However, creative wise I am LOVING #The100DaysProject and really enjoying looking at everybody else's projects too! And my favourite illustration this month was my one for the Queen's 90th which was really fun to do!

5. Quote It. 

I am sure I am not alone in this but I have a stack of quotes saved from Pinterest or Twitter saved to my camera roll at all times for many purposes including 1. Wallpaper backgrounds for my phone 2. My own amusement and 3. To upload to Insta when I haven't done anything exciting. These 4 have been my utter favourites this month and there are about 10 Beyonce ones I could have included since the release of Lemonade. All hail the Queen. 

6. The Girl Gang. 

Yup I have spent this month, as I have every month since this angel was born, babysitting my niece who is now 11 months old which I cannot cope with. We've been to the park, we've been doing LOTS of walking around the house (she can't walk on her own but she can positively sprint if you're holding her hands), she has uttered her first word and she gives the cutest hugs and kisses if you ask for one. The end of May marks her first birthday which is just insane so I'm sure the amount of time I spend with her won't diminish. 

7. OOTD.

You might have seen these photos on Instagram if you follow me (if you don't, here's my link) but for the past three days I have been wearing a pine green nail varnish from Avon which I love and I think it's filtered into my subconscious because I have also managed to pick out three different green outfits of the same tone. I wore a green knitted polo neck dress on Thursday followed by a green and white striped Primark jumper yesterday and topped it off with my new green blazer (which you can read about here). This is a really big deal for someone whose wardrobe compromises 99% of tones of black, grey and navy so that's my colour quota for the next few weeks filled. 

8. Snapchat. 

I've done it again and somehow managed to have a random photo left over from my neatly organised titles. Ugh. Luckily this last one is a beauty and needs no words or explanation. Enjoy. 

Snapchat Faceswap. 

Snapchat Faceswap. 

Wishing all you lovely humans a busy and exciting May and (not wishing my life away or nuttin) here's to the summer!




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