The Last 10 Photos On My Camera Roll.

Last 10 Photos On My Camera Roll Promo Photo. 

Last 10 Photos On My Camera Roll Promo Photo. 

I have a real nosey obsession with people's phones. Like I'm not that person that swipes through someone's photos when they hand it to you to show you a photo (nobody needs to be that guy) but I am just intrigued by the way people set their phones up. 

So I move my messages next to my phone app on my iPhone and hide safari from existence and move in Google Chrome. I have Gmail as the first app on my home screen and I organise my apps into sections like anything photography related (camera roll, camera, Instagram, VSCO etc), social media section, get the idea. 

So being as nosey as I am, I thought I'd share a little insight of me and my phone with the last 10 images saved to my camera roll (I think it says a lot about a person!)

1. Bullet Journal. 

Yes I bought a bullet journal and yes I am a walking blogging cliche but hey, I bought my notebook from TK Maxx for under a fiver because fuck me if I'm spending a small fortune on a book. No siree. I am starting my bullet journal at the beginning of May because I cannot bear the thought of starting mid month but I have been doodling some header and banner designs.

Sample of my bullet journal headers and banners design page. 

Sample of my bullet journal headers and banners design page. 

2. #100DaysOfStepping. 

So yesterday was the beginning of #The100DaysProject and as explained in this post, I am working on #100DaysOfStepping. Yesterday saw my first post which was this little beauty of a rug which lives in my Nan's house where I go every Tuesday afternoon for bacon and chips and a bucket full of tea. Nothing like Nan's right? 

*FYI I have decided to just post my #100DayOfStepping on my illustration Instagram (@gwennanreesillustration) because I have been seriously neglecting it since my blog took off and I'm hoping this will give it some love so make sure you're following me over there. 

Day 1 of my #100DaysOfStepping. 

Day 1 of my #100DaysOfStepping. 

3. iPhone 5c Case Bundle. 

So cute news, I bought an iPhone 6 last week (more on that in my Friday Favs) and now I am selling my iPhone 5c on eBay. I am also selling off this bundle of cases, a collection I have built up in just a few months and a collection which I love and am massively sad to see go. If anyone is interested I'm selling them over here and I want them to go to a good home and be Instagrammed lots because they're pretty bladdy cute on a grid. 

iPhone 5c case bundle for sale. 

iPhone 5c case bundle for sale. 

4. Coffee Pinterest Blankets. 

I have a permanent stash of quotes saved on my camera roll at all times, normally for usage as wallpapers on my phone or as Instagram posts for when I have no inspiration or when I haven't done anything exciting to post. This is my latest addition and I think it will be good use on a weekend. (Pinterest source here). 

Coffee Pinterest Blankets quote. 

Coffee Pinterest Blankets quote. 

5. Screenshot. 

So you know that meme going round that says something like "when you have screen shots that could ruin lives"...that is my life. I am that friend that screen shots your hideous snapchats for my own amusement and I normally have a stock of screen shots of texts, whatsapp and messenger conversations when I or my pals have been hilarious. Or bitchy. But normally both. I've chopped this message down from the screen shot I took so not to give away who I was talking to but I legit howled with laughter at this. My friends are blaaady funny. 

Screenshot of a Facebook Messenger conversation. 

Screenshot of a Facebook Messenger conversation. 

6. Look At Those Little Hands. 

I really didn't want to not include any photos on my camera roll because that was the whole intention of the post but I have to admit, in amongst the ones included in this blog were around 15 photos of my niece. I am not cool with putting photos of her up online so I have omitted them for the purposes of privacy but here's a little crop of me and her blowing bubbles. 

Crop of me and my niece. 

Crop of me and my niece. 

7. Flower Crown. 

So you might be familiar with this photo if you follow me on social media because it now graces all of my profile pictures but really, this snapchat feature is just goals and seen as I rarely take a selfie, definitely requires one. If I could just always have a filter in every day life that washes out your skin and makes you all dewy and blemish free AND gives you a flower crown that would be just ideal. Also my hair was slaying that day so that's also nice. 

Flowet Crown Snapchat filter selfie. 

Flowet Crown Snapchat filter selfie. 

8. RHS Flower Show Bute Park. 

So this is also something I am going to be talking about a bit more in depth in my Friday Favourites this week but here's a sneak peek of what I got up to last Sunday. The RHS flower show in Cardiff this year was FULL of Instagrammable moments and a shed load of tulips that would have made every blogger in the vicinity just die. I mean, just look at it. 

RHS Flower Show Bute Park, Cardiff. 

RHS Flower Show Bute Park, Cardiff. 

9. Faceswap. 

So last Sunday I missed the vast majority of the new #IGchat because I was sending horrific selfies via snapchat to all my friends. Like legit I was at it for a good 40 minutes. I am that friend who would take a camera on a night out when we were 18 because I was the only sober one and take 2904732857389 photos of everyone which were, let's say, less than flattering. But, I am a firm believer in not untagging and whenever a minging photo of myself would turn up, I would laugh and keep it on my Facebook. I've been known to use the worst pictures of myself as memes in conversation, it's fine and in a world of selfies and preening, I think we should all share a few snapchat photos a bit more often. Let's keep it real yo. So yeah, here's my face swap with a toy bunny and I hope it doesn't give you nightmares. 

Face Swap on Snapchat. 

Face Swap on Snapchat. 

10. Queen. 

Well if Beyonce isn't a good place to end this post I don't know what is. I have had this picture saved on my last 3 phones now and before we had searchable GIFS on Twitter and Facebook, this was my go to when I had used the PREACH hands emoji one to many times (note, there is no such thing as over use of that emoji). Bey has moved from phone to phone with me and this picture is still regularly sent in conversation. All hail the Queen. 



I would LOVE to see more posts like this from other bloggers, especially if they are unfiltered and are a true representation of whats on your phone because mate, if I wanted to see an edited, carefully selected version of photos I could just look at your Insta grid. 

Link me and Tweet me if you have done/are doing something similar!




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