National Stationery Week 2016

National Stationery Week Promo Photo. 

National Stationery Week Promo Photo. 

I swear my posts are getting later and later this week but I have a whole schedule of posting every day that I really want to get through so booo you'll have to just have to have these as bedtime reading more than for your morning commute. 

But hey! Today marks the start of National Stationery Week which is a week I think the majority of us can DEFINITELY get on board with! 

Nat Sat Week commissioned a YouGov poll (btw did you know you can earn 50 quid for taking part in You Gov polls, Google it yo) in which 92% of adults thought writing by hand was important and 97% thought it was important for children to be taught to write; some stats I completely agree with. 

I LOVE getting hand written notes and cards and mail through my letterbox. I think it's a dying art that is so under appreciated in this day and age when it's way quicker to connect through a text or a Whatsapp message. This is why I like to send my friends surprise post every now and then, even if it's just a quick handwritten card and why I send post back and forth regularly between me and my 11 year old cousin or why I try and make my Etsy post really colourful and fun to look at and why I ALWAYS write personal hand written thank you cards on birthdays and christmas. 

National Stationery Week is basically trying to get more and more people to hand write something, send something lovely in the post and get kids improving their writing skills and have LOADS of facts and resources on their website which you can check out via the link below!

To celebrate the start of Nat Sat Week I thought I'd combine two things I love by sharing a few of my latest favourite stationery blogging articles/posts/Instagrams and all kinds of little bits and bobs. 

Snail Mail Love. 

Right be prepared for me to fan girl really hard over here but I have been lusting over Snail Mail Love on Twitter and Instagram and blog and all the rest of it. You need to follow Snail Mail Love on all forms of social media because everything is SO beautifully illustrated and photographed and you will not only have all the jealousy, it'll motivate you to up your own game. Snail Mail Love is taking part in #The100DayProject and is sharing a post every single day of lovely stationery and hand written envelopes and all manner of pretty things that fuels my need to go shopping for cute notebooks. 

Follow Snail Mail Love on Twitter here!

Nice Message Chain.

I've written a little bit about Nice Message Chain on the blog before because lovely Katie nominated for my first Liebster award! Nice Message Chain is basically a way of connecting bloggers and spreading some positivity through emails and post and throughout the community. Basically if you want to get involved with the message chain and think you can be nice to another blogger off Twitter you need to DM Katie (follow her on Twitter here) and either give her your address or your email address and she'll hook you up with a fellow postal blogger or email blogger and away you go! Oh and there's an occasional chat and a Pinterest board too so get involved! 

Follow Nice Message Chain on Twitter here!

Paperchase Dream Wishlist. 

Paperchase Dream Wishlist. 

My Paperchase Dream Haul. 

A few weeks back I planned a Dream Stationery Wishlist and it just ended up being a Paperchase one because their new line was SO GOOD. I also mentioned in a Twitter chat the other day that Paperchase would be my dream brand to work with so if I just keep harping on about it you never know -insert sly face emoji here-

Find my Paperchase wishlist here (with links so you can spoil yourself too).

Stationery Bloggers Chat. 

I will ALWAYS join in a Twitter chat if I can and I am especially keen to find new ones so when #stationerybloggers plopped into my newsfeed I couldn't be more excited. Stationery Bloggers is hosted by Kirsty Leanna (Twitter link here) on a Friday night at 6pm and, well - we talk about stationery. I know, the hashtag doesn't give it away at all. It's a really fun chat and a real welcome break from chatting about blogging (as lovely as that is obvs). Last week we talked about bullet journals and I got loads of advice and inspo from all the lovely ladies who were chatting and I found a fair few new blogs to follow too which is always ideal. Oh and Kirsty is hosting a BuJo starter kit giveaway which runs till the end of this week so definitely get involved with that too! 

Follow #stationerybloggers on Twitter here!

Make sure you get involved with Nat Sat week this year and support such a good cause if like me you can get a little more than obsessed with stationery, illustrations, post and the handwritten word!



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