Nature Photo Tag - 7 Days of Natural Photography.

7 Day Nature Photography Tag: Snowdonia, North Wales. 

In the past few days I have been nominated not once but twice for tags I haven't heard of before and I loooove it. The second one is coming early next week when I have a gap in my scheduled posts but the first one is today, it's here - ta dah! 

I was nominated by the wonderful Tina from Tea Is For Tina and she sent me some really cute tweets this week basically bigging me up and saying how much she liked my blog which is a ok with me because I recently discovered (and fell in love with) hers! 

Get a brew on and have a browse of her blog (links here), I've been binge reading and I love her Tried and Tested Tuesday Tips and I felt like maybe she could be my spirit animal because in a recent tag post she said she would wear black if she could only wear one colour for the rest of her life and that is just me in a nutshell. 

Tina is also creator and host of #latenightbloggers, a chat which takes place every Wednesday night between 9 - 10pm which I only very recently found but is fast becoming one of my fav chats and one I look forward to! You can get involved with that over here and read a bit more about it on Tina's blog over here!

So Tina nominated me for the 7 Day Nature Photography challenge which instantly peaked my interest because who doesn't love a picture of some flowers or a cracking scenery pic (I know I do because I am CONSTANTLY liking them on Instagram). What I loved most about this challenge was searching my Mac for the photos I wanted to use because most of them were on holidays and it brought back so many memories and now I have spent most of my evening reminiscing and showing the photos to my fam like 'HA REMEMBER THIS?!'

I AM going to hold my hands up here and admit I am cheating a bit with this one. The point of the tag is to take/post a nature photography post every day for 7 days but I have scheduled posts a lot of days this week and I just know I am going to forget to I've decided to improvise and post all 7 in one (very long at this rate) post! 

The rules are ridiculously easy; all you have to do is post 7 photos over 7 days (or cheat like me) and them nominate 7 other bloggers to take part. 

So without further ado...

1. Brighton Seafront. 

Last summer I went to Sussex on a proper British seaside holiday with my folks and I went to Brighton for the first time, conveniently on the hottest day of the year. I absolutely fell in love with the place and the beach and the pier - where I took this snapshot from. I didn't go on the ferris wheel because it was HEAVING but I did take some photos underneath it with the palm trees and felt *a bit* like I could be in LA or summin. 

Brighton Seafront. 

2. Hever Castle. 

Also taken last summer when I went to Sussex, I also dipped in and out of Kent (somewhere I want to return cos my god it was beautiful). On one of my Kent days I want to Hever Castle, home of Anne Boleyn, somewhere that I absolutely loved. Whilst I was there I happened to peep out of a window at the top of the house and see this Mama duck coaxing her babies up a little duck ramp (yes they has ramps for the ducklings to get out of the moat!!) and it was just the cutest. Baring in mind I took this from the top of the house out of a window, the zoom and focus ain't so bad for a 5 year old Nikon Bridge. 

Ducklings at Hever Castle, Kent. 

3. Norfolk Viewing Points. 

In 2010/2011 something like that I went to Norfolk, another area of England I adore and have been back to since because I loved it so much. My mum is a pretty keen gardener and when we're away somewhere new she always picks a gardens to go see and whilst it's not always my thing, it's always good for my camera. We went to the East Ruston Old Vicarage Gardens in Norfolk like 2 minutes from where we were staying and they had these amazing little viewing platforms cut into the hedges so you could see landmarks like the Happisburgh Church and Lighthouse and it was just an incredible piece of design!

East Ruston Old Vicarage Gardens, Norfolk. 

4. Busy Bee.

I'm not 100% sure where I took this photo but it might have been in the cottage gardens at the bottom of Dunster Castle in Somerset. Every year at least once me and my Dad have a competition of who can take the best photo close up and it is normally a bee on a flower because he has a hideously expensive SLR which has no zoom and I have a cheap Nikon Bridge which has the best zoom and focus I have ever seen on a camera of it's nature. I love this little guy cos you can see the pollen on his legs and back and he colour co-ordinates with the flower so deliciously it's like he planned his outfit in advance. 

Bee collecting pollen. 

5. The View From The Top Of Snowdon. 

I could have chosen from a lot of photos of this day (and the photo at the start of the blog is one) when me and my brother and parents climbed Mount Snowden (in the train obvs, we ain't mad). I think I was about 13/14 when we went to North Wales on a jolly and then I moved there for uni so it holds some really precious memories for me. I loved Snowden and the views were to die for. I mean, just look how far you can see and it was a really overcast day. We also have some fun photos of me standing on the safe side of the track taking photos of my reckless family who went to look over the edge. 

View from the top of Snowdon.

6. Compare The Meerkat. 

This!! This photo makes me feel like the flashiest and sassiest of all the wildlife photographers! Like I could go on safari and get amazing shots of rhinos and elephants and stuff when in reality I took this in a little zoo in Devon and I zoomed in so much it looks like I was in the enclosure with him. I was not. Whatevs, just look at his little face! He was the meerkat on watch and he was staring at a crow that was circling overhead and he was telling all his meerkat friends to hide, which they were doing. What a little cutie. 

Cheeky little meerkat. 

7. Venice At Sunset. 

I could honestly have posted 100 photos of Venice. I went there in 2011 in November (you wouldn't think it was flood season from these photos) and it is still probably the nicest place on this glorious planet I have ever been. I chose this photo out of all the millions I had because this is a nature tag after all so I wanted less of the buildings and more of the canals and the sunset. I had the nicest of weeks when I was there and I spent it with some of my very best friends without parents and adults and we had SUCH a good time. We went there for the Biennalle and we took a gondola down the Grand Canal and we went on a mission to find the only McDonalds and it was just generally the best time. Probably top of my recommendations of places to go. 

Venice at sunset November 2011. 

Thanks again to the lovely lovely Tina for nominating me for this tag, I really enjoyed choosing the photos and all the memories they brought up and it was fun to blog about something different! 

Because I cheated and did this tag all in one day not seven, I am nominating all seven of my blogger chums in one go too. Soz if you've already done this or it really ain't your thing but hopefully some of you can have as much fun with it as I did! 

Sarah from ItsSarahAnn because she takes some stunning shots of houses and streets in London and I'd love to see what she does with this. 

Effi Summers from SparkleBerryBlog because she s like my biggest cheerleader on Twitter and I absolutely love her for it and she posted the most gorgeous shot of yoga on the beach the other day so I totally think she could include that. 

Libby Stevens from NeverWearsWhite because she recently gave me the best idea for a Twitter bio which made me giggle for a long long time and she said she was spending a long weekend in Wales so I think she might have some perfect photos for this tag!

Milli from MilliGraceLondon because she hosts the #IGChat (which is tonight 6pm ya'll) so I know she must have a whole shed load of posts on her grid she could use for this!

Sarah from SalocaInWonderland because we just started chatting in #socialbloggers yesterday and she was super lovely and we discussed BBQs and picnics so she could legit be my bestie by the end of the week andddd she comes from Liverpool, somewhere I love and I'd love to see photos!

Hannah from HannahEmilyLane because I feel like I'm constantly stalking her blog for BuJo inspo and she is coming to the end of studying/living abroad so I would hope this tag would give her a good excuse to get out and explore some more of Germany before she leaves (and excuse right?)

And last but certainly not least

Jess from A Slice Of Life because she had my giggling yesterday about the realities of being in a relationship for 6 years and she did a blog post on the Peak District which I loved so I know she's got the nature photography down!

Hope you lovely ladies enjoy the tag if you take part and make sure to tag me to let me know you've done it so I can have a nosey! 





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