Social Media Roundup - April 2016

Yes it's that time of the month again when I have a little look at my stats on social media and see how I'm getting on and what's working and what's not on my social media accounts. 

Let's jump right in. 

Gwennan Rees Illustration;

1. Day 8 #The100DayProject.

Huh, who would have known that Day 8 of the 100 Day Project would be the most popular pst on my illustration account this month? Not gunna lie, this one baffled me a little bit cos there are definitely posts I've done for this particular challenge that I am happier with - like this one is legit just my feet on some concrete but hey, maybe people like the shoes. If you didn't know and you're wondering wtf I'm talking about, I am taking part in the 100 Day Project where you do something creative for 100 days and it started on April 19th. 

2. New Etsy Projects. 

Last month I started working on some new illustrated merchandise and I have grand plans for stationery and products and all kinds of things based on blogging for the near future. My second most liked image on my business account was this flatlay of my new blogging inspired pocket mirrors. Now if my Instagram likes can just translate into sales that would be ideal ta. 

Buy my pocket mirrors on Etsy here!

3. My Dream Paperchase Haul. 

Yes my third most popular post of April 2016 on my illustration account was my promo photo for my Dream Stationery Wishlist blog post. It's pretty understandable why as the post did really well and got lots of lovely feedback and nice comments on Twitter. Plus hey, everyone loves stationery and everyone loves Paperchase so OBVS a post about it was going to do well! 

Read the original post here!

Follow my illustration account for all things creative and for #The100DayProject!

Twenty Something Meltdown;

1. #The100DayProject. 

So this is a LITTLE bit awkward because the most liked post on my blogging Instagram in April (and the most liked photo on my entire account to date FYI) was not actually my photo..... I shared the #100DayProject picture explaining the rules and what the project was as a way of explaining what I was embarking on and what the project was all about and well, people loved it. You can follow ElleLuna who originally posted the images and who this was a regram from and see what she's up to for the #100DayProject too!

You can read all about my project in this handy little post!

2. Mondays. 

No surprises why this little beauty was in the top 3 most liked on my feed this month. I was expecting a quote to be up there in the list because I have shared some corkers this month and they have all done really well - as a quote always does. Monday and weekend quotes especially are super successful because everyone has the same feelings so this one was no surprise at all to me. 

3. Primark Haul. 

At the beginning of April I went on a little day trip over the Severn to Bristol to meet up with my old flatmate from uni and I went on a (very low key very cheap) Primark haul. Naturally seeing the blogging op in every situation I did a little haul post of what I has, tagged the brands and as always with posts like this, it was really well received. People love a bargain! 

Read about my trip to Bristol here!

Follow my blog account on Instagram for flatlays and a good old fashioned quote or two!

So let's move on to Twitter. It's the same old story really, my blog account is going from strength to strength and I am neglecting my illustration account more and more because it doesn't get the same level of engagement yet I KNOW if I put more effort into it the engagement will come. I'm in catch 22 and I cannot bring myself out of the rut. 

However, I am trying. I have started taking part in Twitter chats on my illustration account that I normally tweet from my blog account; chats like Craft Hour, CBloggers and SisterSays. I am also trying to make a better effort at scheduling posts for my illustration account because I so very rarely live tweet on there so I'm trying I'm trying I really am. 

I mentioned in last month's review (read here) that my impressions and engagement peaked for no reason at all in March and I still have no idea why they did that (I ended the month on nearly 50K which is huge for that account). I knew this month wouldn't be the same kind of levels so I have basically written March off as a one off and compared April's stats with the rest of the year. 

I only tweeted 200 times in the entire month (up from 160 the previous) so you can see when I say am trying, it's a slow process but I got the EXACT number of profile visits month on month which is a little freaky. I had 39 new followers (current total as I type this is 239) and 41 mentions which is a 200% increase (that's the Twitter chats for you). In the end I finished the month with 22.6K which is really good for that kind of account so I hope it's taking a step in the right direction. 

Give my illustration account some love over here!

My blogging Twitter account on the other hand is going mental. I swear just identifying as a blogger in your bio makes you 38273894379586 times more approachable to people and I have never known engagement like it. Let me give you an example; ya know the 22K I got on my illustration account in the month of April? I've surpassed that in the first 4 days of May. Yuh huh. 

I wrote a blog post all about what I think has been the magic tricks for why my blogging account has gone on fire and you can read about that here

Stats wise April was my best month yet. I tweeted just over 1400 times in the month (up from 900 in March) and funnily enough my figures reflect that kind of engagement. I had over 1300 MORE profile views than the previous month and 600 more mentions (again, you can thank the chats for that). I also gained nearly 300 followers (current total 546) which I explain in the above post. I ended April with 122K impressions, up fro 65.8K the previous month which is an insane leap. 

I know these kind of stats aren't impressive to a bigger blogger or even to a blogger with the same type of blog but a much bigger following but I am interested in following them and publishing them as a way of tracking my growth and I like reading posts like this so I'm hoping someone else does too!!

You can come chat to me on Twitter over here, I'm very friendly!

I have also decided I'd like to start documenting my Pinterest, Bloglovin and Google Analytics on this post too as a way of keeping track on myself! 

I have only started tracking on Google Analytics since January even though I posted my first post over a year ago so bear with me on that one! 

Pinterest: Following 260. Follows me 120. 

Bloglovin: Following 79. Follows me 26. 

Google Analytics: 2287 pageviews. 1365 sessions. 719 users.

If you have any tips on how to make an impact or gain a following on Pinterest and Bloglovin hit a girl up in the comments section! 

Anddddd as if this post wasn't wordy enough already I've decided to do a little round up of everything I posted over the last month in links below so you don't have to miss out! 

My New Years Resolutions 1/4 Of A Year On. 

5 Quotes To Live By This April (2016).

Liebster Award. 

Social Media Round Up March 2016. 

6 Social Media Updates We Need. 

Friday Favourites 2nd - 8th April 2016. 

10 Books You Need On Your Book Shelf. 

My Stationery Wishlist.

Friday Favourites 9th - 15th April 2016.

The Biggest Misconceptions Of My Business. 

Things People With A Skin Condition Know To Be True.

11 Ways Of Managing Anxiety At University. 


The Last Ten Photos On My Camera Roll.

How To Create An Inspiring Workspace. 

Friday Favourites 16th - 22nd April 2016. 

The Liebster Award Part 2!

7 Things I Read On The Internet This Month. 

National Stationery Week. 

16 Of The Best Anniversary Gifts On The High Street.

How To Enjoy A Rainy Day. 

Cervical Cancer Smear; The Facts.

Friday Favourites 23rd - 29th April 2016. 

My Month In Photos April 2016. 



Don't forget to follow me on social media on the links below!