Spring Is Coming...

Dare I utter the words? May I whisper them? Slide a little daffodil over the table at you?

I fully expect more of the week we've had with Storm Doris and rain and gales and ice as the year continues, what do they say about April Showers Brings May Flowers? But recently I feel confident that yes actually, Spring will come this year - ya know, you can never quite count on it. 

It's the little things I start noticing at this time of year, it's the flowers blooming (HAVE I MENTIONED THE DAFFODILS), it's the few degrees warmer, it's the nights getting that little bit later and later in drawing in... The other day for the first time we drove home at 7am and it was actually light. I nearly wept for joy. 

Every season I think oh this might be my favourite one. Last Autumn I professed that actually yes, Autumn was the one for me. And yet here I find myself again excited over the sunshine, over sunglasses living on my head for the next few months, over late nights on the beach and spending all my time outside. And suddenly the cosy nights of old and hygge and scarves and warm food is gone, the idea of it is old and tiresome and I'm excited for what's to come. 

And maybe that's ok? Maybe I don't actually have a favourite season after all, maybe I can see the beauty in all of the seasons in turn. 

And so with Spring on the horizon I'm excited for baby animals, lighter meals, walks in the sunshine, tulips on Instagram, pink everywhere.... I'm looking forward to Easter and Mother's Day and family birthdays and the rest of the rugby. I'm excited to take my niece out in the sunshine in her wellies and for Judgement Day in Cardiff and egg hunts and allllll the bunnies. 

I don't think it's wishing my life away being excited for all the things a new season will bring, although I definitely am guilty of it sometimes.

I think looking forward to a new season normally means looking forward to it in the way I do - by looking forward to the little things. The little things that get us ticking, that set our hearts on fire, the little things that we appreciate. And I love that. I love that I can see the beauty in the everyday changes, the simple little things that mean a change in the seasons day to day. 

It's important to recognise the every day beauty in the changing year. Roll on Spring.