Posts tagged opinions
Shadow Banning; Yet Another Way Instagram Has Dicked Over It's Users

I had an entirely different post planned for tonight that only needed formatting before it was published but you're going to have to wait for that now (it was bujo related) because sometimes gang, a girl just needs a rant ok?

For those of you who have seen my Insta stories you'll know I have recently discovered I've been shadowbanned from Instagram and I suspect it's been happening a lot longer before I bothered to check. I got my Instagram randomly deleted in June and I have been struggling to build any kind of following or engagement since then - it's all been a bit fishy. 

So let's start with introductions. What exactly is shadowbanning?

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How Much 'Extra' Do We Need In Blogging?

Is blogging dead? Is simply having a blog enough anymore? Can we call ourselves bloggers if we only post video or on social media? Has the game changed? 

How much extra do we need for blogging these days? Are our audience content with just a blog anymore? I think the short answer to that one is no. 

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