The 12 Days Of Christmas.

That's right my loves, ya gal who always says she's not doing Blogmas because 'pressure' and 'I don't want to only post about Christmas' has created her own Christmas blog series. 

You might have seen me elude to it on Steph's blog but, as the title might suggest, I have created the 12 Days of Christmas - twenty something meltdown style. 

Ok so traditionally the 12 days of Christmas are the 12 following the big day but what's the point in me waxing lyrical about festivities that have passed? My 12 days will run from tomorrow right through to Christmas Eve itself and looks something a little like this;

So what can you expect from the next fortnight? 

I did toy with the idea of making my 12 days fit the theme of the traditional 12 days but when I got stuck on what to do for 'a partridge in a pear tree' I thought it might need to be tweaked a bit (never say never though, if I have the whole of 2018 to think about it you might see it next year). 

So my friends, you can expect all the normal content that you come here for.....just with a festive twist. Think photo challenges, bullet journaling, Talking Tables and sparkly decorations and tinsel galore. Think recipes (shocker I know), list posts and an insight into my own Christmas, because we all know we're as nosey as each other. 

So Merry Christmas my little angels, may your 12 days be filled with mince pies and Quality Street and ice skating and frosty mornings and we'll be back tomorrow together to kick it all off. 

Tis the season after all!