Things I Won't Apologise For.

This post is V much inspired by the lovely Jasmin Charlotte who in turn was inspired by this post on Me & Orla.

It's true what they say - as time goes on and the older you get, the more accepting you get of yourself and of your flaws, the less you take bullshit and the less you apologise for being you.

At the tender age of 24 and a half I have, in the words of Queen Kylie Jenner, 'realised stuff' in the past few years and there are a number of things I'm done apologising for.  

1. Not Drinking.

I can't remember the last time I had any alcohol, like literally the last time I ever even had a sip to try something. I spent the majority of house parties and nights out from the age of 16-21 apologising for the fact that I didn't drink because people assumed I would and actually thought I should. It was only going to university and finding out people genuinely couldn't care less if I was sober or not that I stopped apologising for the fact it just ain't me. 

2. Putting Family Above All. 

I have been accused many a time of putting my family first to a fault. From not agreeing to plans because I was seeing the same grandparents I see twice a week every week to not hosting parties because my parents and brother were in, I'm just not that bothered by it any more. In the end, putting family first meant when the shit hit the fan I naturally stepped up as I'd been doing all my life, to put them all first before me, and before anyone and anything else. 

3. Being A Home Bird. 

I used to think nights out just weren't my thing but I have come to realise it's the type of night out that makes me want to stay home in my pjs. I like being at home, I like spending time at home and if the choice is a boozy expensive night out where I have to babysit everyone I'm with then yeah, I'd rather stay in with the other half and a film. Now if you give me the local pub and a catch up then we're on a different game altogether. 

4. Not Travelling Abroad. 

We can't afford to. Plain and simple. I used to feel left out and ashamed when people asked where we were going on holiday and I had to say North Wales or Cornwall again when everyone else was going to Spain or America. Or when people exclaimed over how I'd never done Disney or been to France. Now I think fondly on the holidays we had in the UK as a kid and I still try and wangle in a staycation every year and I have no doubts I'll relive it all with my own kids. 

5. Not Having A Proper Job. 

I've written a million times about how demeaning it can be when people comment on how you live with your parents or how you don't have a 'proper job'. Ok so now I don't live with my Mum and Dad any more but I still don't have a traditional job and when I'm asked what I do, the third question (after 'what's that?') is 'and do you make much from that?' You wouldn't ask someone in  an office job if they 'make much from that' or if they're successful at it and whilst I know people mean well and want to know if you can make a living from a creative job, it makes me cringe and feel like I really need to prove what jobs I've made cash on. In the end I'm working for myself in a career I pave for myself and I won't apologise for trying to do something I graduated in.

6. Not Being A Girly Girl.

I am just done with trying to find a dress or a skirt or a thin heel I look nice in. I am done adding bows to my hair and lipstick on my face and trying to fit in with fashion trends. I accepted about 4 years ago my body shape just doesn't suit dresses, skirts and shorts and my personality doesn't fit either. Give me a ripped pair of jeans, some boots or Vans and a striped shirt and I'm happy. The grungier the better. 

7. Talking About My Niece. All The Time. 

She's the best thing in all of our lives, she's a lot of fun and I spend a lot of time with her. I love her all the world and it makes me happy to chat about what we've been doing. 

8. Not Being Married With 2.4 Kids. 

Yes so we've been together 7 years and no we're not getting married any time soon. I don't even know why we should be apologising for that fact in 2017. Soz.