And Just Like That.....Turning Twenty Six


Something past 1 in the morning.

I officially turn twenty six years old.

Another year older another year wiser? Maybe not but definitely a whole lot different to who I was on my twenty fifth birthday. A lot has changed over the past year and it’s a cliche and everyone says it but really, I couldn’t have imagined where I’d be now a year ago.

If you’d told me a year ago on my twenty fifth birthday that in a years time I’d be working full time for someone else I’d have been distraught. If you’d told me I didn’t have enough time for my own work at the moment or that blogging had taken a back seat I wouldn’t have believed you. And if you’d told me I’d actually be ok with it I’d have laughed in your face.

This last year has no doubts not turned out the way I expected it to go, but looking back all melancholic with the benefit of hindsight I’d say that actually, maybe the way you expect it to go isn’t always what you need.

I could go into reams and reams of wisdom on my birthday and talk about the changes of the last year and how I feel more settled and content than ever but you’d be bored and I’d never get to bed for never finishing writing it.

So instead, here’s 26 Pinterest worthy quotes I’d like to see take on the form of my twenty sixth year. Here’s to the next 365.

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