Posts in Bullet Journal
Will The Bullet Journal Trend Stick?

My blog would flat out fall to pieces if the bullet journal trend doesn't stick around. They're still the most popular posts I write to date, they've given me a massive audience, they've provided me with a few viral pins on Pinterest and they gained me a LOT of traffic last year. In my personal life, I would probably miss bullet journaling if it disappeared. Sure I'd still carry on working in this way because it really is successful for me but I'd be sad there wasn't as much hype, interest or inspiration around. 

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What To Include In Your University Bullet Journal.

I graduated two years ago now but I can see the benefits of a bujo for university as clear as if I was still there. For maybe the first time you're somewhere where you're 100% responsible for yourself and for your organisation and having a bullet journal would definitely have been beneficial for me. Ohhhh if only they'd been a massive trend back then. I'm sure they were a thing but maybe not as popular as they are now but lord I wish I'd had one. 

I'd definitely have run through several journals whilst I was there with everything I'd fill it with. Here's my suggestions for what to include in your bujo for uni;

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FREE Autumn Printables For Your Bullet Journal Or Planner.

It's that time of year again! The weather is definitely feeling a few degrees lower, the wind is picking up, my Autumn Instagram Challenge is live and I thought it was about time I was back with some more printables. 

Following on from my Summer designs, I have created a set of icons and doodles for your bullet journal, planner, notebook, school books....whatever it is. There's autumn ones, there's weather ones, there's lots of food and drink ones and there's some Halloween and Bonfire Night thrown in for good measure too so hopefully there's something that tickles your fancy to adorn your bujo!

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How To Draw Easy Banners For Your Bullet Journal (& Free Worksheet)

In my 'ways I make my bullet journal pretty' blog post I mentioned that I get a lot of messages from people asking how I draw my layouts, how I make my pages Instagrammable and how I make it so cute.

I'm a trained illustrator and drawing comes second nature for me - in fact when I was designing these worksheets Hannah asked me how on earth I could possibly do it freehand on the computer. For those of you who don't have a particularly artistic hand, I've created a FREE step by step guide on how to draw simple banners for your bullet journal that can be used for decorations or headers for your pages.

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Ways I Make The Bullet Journal System Work For Me.

The bullet journal system as devised by Ryder Carroll is set to make note taking and list making simple in an increasingly busy world. It's basically a way of 'rapid logging' which is devised into a series of steps which includes things like titling each page, numbering them, bulleting, noting, logging and prioritising. 

The point of the system is to make it simple to organise and plan in a very personalised manner - but what if the system doesn't work for you? You need to make it suit, something I have just about mastered. 

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How I Make My Bullet Journal 'Pretty'

Whenever I upload a bullet journal blog post or an Instagram snap I always get a lot of comments on how neat it is, how pretty it is or the odd '#goals' or crown emoji. To me, making my bullet journal aesthetically pleasing is like second nature - I'm an illustrator by trade, designing and drawing is in my job title and weedles it's way into my personal life like it has since I was old enough to colour. 

But in my bullet journal journey I have discovered a lot of you lovely chaps don't have quite the second nature when it comes to making your journal 'pretty' and I get a LOT of requests for advice on how (or just outright requests for me to make my own journals) so with that in mind, here's how I make my journal Insta goals. 

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Bullet Journals & Holidays - A Match Made In Heaven.

Bullet journals are for lists. Holidays are for lists. Do I need to give you anymore information? 

Holidays, mini breaks, months on end away - all are lovely when you get there and a bloody minefield of organisation before you go. I have always been a holiday list maker, or make that a holiday serial list maker. Sheets on end of lists, packing lists, to do lists, to remember lists, directions, booking confirmations and about a trillion and one post it notes. 

So when I first entered the world of bullet journaling I knew my holiday lists were done, the game had changed and bullet journals and holidays are a match made in heaven. 

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My Real Life Bullet Journal Pinterest Board.

If you read my bullet journal blog posts regularly or just lust over them on Instagram, you might be forgiven for thinking every page is perfect, a masterpiece, a sight to behold. And the reason for this? I cover up all the shit ones. 

I take pride in making my bullet journal as well as productive and functional. I am an illustrator, designing things and drawing comes second nature to me, I find it as easy as I find breathing. So what happens when I spoil a page? When I mess up a layout, when I draw a spread and hate it? I did, in my first journal, cut a page out. The journal fell apart. 

These days I have found a much more creative way of using a page I hate and making it into something I love - because that's rule 101 of bullet journaling; you make it your own.

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Introducing My 2017 Bullet Journal Take 2

If you're no stranger to this blog you'll know this year I am more bullet journal obsessed than ever, these days using it for absolutely anything and everything. But with lots of spreads and lists comes, well, very little space and by the time June rolled around my trusty black bujo was full. 

For my July - December journal I recommitted to a Leuchtturm 1917 but this time in oh so Instagrammable turquoise and the love affair continues. 

A lot of my second journal of the year is very similar or exactly the same as my first (have a nosey at that one here) but some has changed, some has gone and some of it is new. So without further ado - come and meet my 2017 Bullet Journal (part 2).

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My June 2017 Bullet Journal Layout.

So ideally this would've gone up earlier than the 10th of the next month but I just haven't got round to taking the photos so here we are. 

June saw the end of my first bullet journal of this year and I am slowly settling down into my second bujo for July onto December. I was so sure I'd actually fill this journal and I did, basically. I think I have 3 double page spreads left plain at the end of the journal and rather than rip them out (did you know the Leuchtturm has tear out pages at the end?) I think I'm going to scrapbook some memories from the first half of this year. 

But for now, on to my June set up;

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***FREE*** Bullet Journal Printable; Summer Icons

I first started sharing free printables back in May last year and I also designed a Christmas version too. Whilst bullet journals are still hot topic I'm becoming increasingly aware from comments on the look of my journal that some people struggle to make their journal look the way they want, or to create the details and doodles they want to. 

With that in mind I hope to share lots more free printables, seasonal and otherwise, on the blog for you to print out, trace or copy and use in your own journals. Being an illustrator by trade I find it very easy and quick to design icons and doodles for you to use and sharing them and seeing pics of your journals is my reward. 

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Why My Bullet Journal Has Done Wonders For My Productivity.

My bullet journal obsession is no secret but the fact that in the latter part of last year it became more pretty doodles less functional was no secret either and I kinda fell out of love with it. Don't get me wrong I still doodled, I still designed my weekly spreads and I still used it but it just wasn't working for me anymore and I was itching for a new journal to get stuck back into it. 

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My May 2017 Bullet Journal - Flip Through.

The reason I share so much of my journal, such detailed insights into how I use it and what it contains is because I am still v much obsessed with the trend. I still want to read blog posts about it and I don't want 2 photos and done, I want to nose in, I want to see exactly what you're doing with it and I figure if I want to see that, maybe you do too. 

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One Whole Year Of Bullet Journaling - A Comparison.

This May marks one year since I entered the craze of bullet journaling, a craze that nearly all bloggers latched on to and a craze that actually I don't see that many bloggers doing anymore. 

Myself? I haven't stopped working on mine and I haven't stopped blogging about it either - it's my most popular content, it's where a lot of my readership found me and it nailed me my viral pins. I don't want to get all melodramatic but bullet journaling has changed my life; not in a ridiculous way but genuinely the way in which I organise myself and my life, it's all in my bullet journal.

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5 Reasons Why I Committed To A Leuchtturm.

Guess who's been bullet journaling for over a year -insert all the celebration emojis here-

Last year I picked up a 5 quid plain lined A5 notebook from TK Maxx and professed my love for it and my love for 'not having to have the Leuchtturm 1917 everyone else has'. And then Christmas came and your gal got given one and then whadda ya know, January came around and I just kinda fell into it. 

And honestly? I'd never look back. In fact I've basically filled it, it ain't gonna go past June so I'm looking at 2 journals per year and I'd get a Leuchtturm 1917 every damn time. Here's why;

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April 2017 Bullet Journal Update & Look Through.

It's been little over a month now since I shared my 2017 Bullet Journal set up with you where I outlined my new approach to journaling and all the things I'd included for the new year. 

Since then, a lot has happened in the old bujo so I thought what better way to show you than a cheeky look through at what's new, what's working and how I'm finding it. 

As ever, I am obsessed with making it as pretty as possible so lemme know if you like the doodles and the layouts and the spreads and send me photos if you use any in your journal!

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The Ultimate Bullet Journal Resources List.

I've decided I'm going to do a dedicated bullet journal series on the blog, at least once a month. I think I've probably done so since I started journaling but I have loads of ideas (conveniently jotted down in my bujo) so here we are; this month alone has had 3 journal inspired posts. 

Today I thought I'd share with you a cheeky little cheat list, a list of resources for bullet journal lovers, experts and newbies to make your journal the most beautiful and useful journal ever. 

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Hand Lettering For Your Bullet Journal. *

I am so back on the bullet journal bandwagon. I don't know that I ever really fell off it but I was definitely falling in and out of love with my particular set up at the back end of last year.

Come 2017, a new year and a snazzy new journal and I am back with a bang. I am in love with what I have now and am obsessed with trying new layouts, templates, designs and most crucially; fonts.

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My 2017 Bullet Journal Look Through.

What's this? The bullet journal flip through I've been promising you since January?? Yes hold onto your hats, I actually finished getting my journal going and sat down to photograph it. 

My entrance to bullet journaling started last May with a generic A5 notebook and I became obsessed very early on. By the end of the year with half a notebook left I was trying to grit my teeth and just get on with a journal that wasn't working for me anymore. And then for Christmas I got given that journal addicts Bible; the Leuchtturm 1917 A5 with squared pages. In black FYI. 

I tried for a fortnight or so to stick with my trusty old notebook and wait until I'd finished it to move onto my new journal but the idea of staring a fresh in January and the lure of that new notebook led me to realise, the beauty of the journal is it's flexibility. The whole point of the bullet journal is the ability to change it to suit at the click of a finger and so off to the Leuchtturm I went. 

And so here it is! Finally! An (extensive, soz for all the photos) guide to my new journal for your pinning and saving and copying for inspiration. 

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Current Bullet Journal Inspiration.

If you've been following my blog for a while you might have seen some of my bullet journal posts before and will know I only got into the trend I now obsess over last May. I was A Ok with starting a journal partway through the year because I knew that's the beauty of a bujo, the ability to flit in and out when you want to and make it completely customisable to yourself and your life. 

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