5 Easy Ways To Update Your Blog.

I don't want to keep harping on about 'new year new you' but isn't that what the entire of January is for? Until February when we're all like lol new year same old me at least anyway. 

But there's no escaping the feeling that at this time of the year you have the chance to refresh everything and your blog is no different. By the time I hit December 31st I was desperate to have a refresh of my site and so come the beginning of 2018 I set about updating in in the smallest of ways that maybe you didn't even notice but made a huge difference to me. 

Here's 5 teeny tiny ways to update your blog that doesn't involve changing your entire theme;

1. Colours.

Happy with your layout but in need of a lil summin summin different? Change that all black theme to a pop of colour, ditch the baby pink you've been working with for the last 18 months and make everything blue toned. I had some festive theme going on throughout December so when the new year came I changed my sign off back to pink and made my announcement bar the same shade and it feels so much better. 

2. Header. 

Or logo whatever you call it. There's something to be said for having a recognisable header or logo which defines your brand and makes you instantly recognisable but at the same time we're destined to change our minds. I don't even have one, I don't have a logo I just have my blog header in whatever font fits my theme but changing yours might give you that lift you need this January for where to take your blog in 2018. 

3. About Me. 

Something I definitely think should be updated yearly is your about me page. As we rarely visit our own sites we rarely take the time to think about what the user might be reading and on reflection maybe your About Me doesn't quite fit anymore. Says you're 25 when you've had your 26th birthday? Says student when you graduated last summer? Change your about me for a new years refresh, and whilst you're at it just keep an eye on that contact me page too. 

4. Profile Pics. 

I am not about changing your blog profile pic as much as you change your Facebook one because girl idk who you are when you do that? Your profile picture should be a part of your brand so everyone recognises you but should also reflect who you are and a new year is a cracking time to change yours. My last one was light bright and I still had pink in my hair and my new one was taken off the cuff by a friend and is cosy, dark and my hair got cut and reflects me now so much better. Just remember to also change them on all your social media profiles too because #continuity. 

5. Icons. 

Or blog banners or whatever you call them. If you have a theme similar to mine you'll have pictures that work as icons, banners, headers or buttons and it's a good time of year to get them changed. Mine headline each page of my blog and also my buttons on my homepage and up until the new year were veryyy festive. I loved choosing new ones and making my blog feel much more current and ready to take me into the new year - and if nothing else it reminds you there IS a time when the weather is light enough to take a decent photo. 

There really is a million tiny ways in which you can update your blog and social media for the next 365 days that are free to do and won't take up half your day!