Another failed promise to blog more

So it’s been a month and a half since my last post and here and nothing to show for it online.

My Instagram following is falling faster than I can count, I haven’t tweeted since about 2005 and I’m seriously wondering why I renewed my not so cheap blog hosting back in January when I’ve made very little attempt to do anything with it.

But yet again, here I am talking about how I want to it’s just not my fault. I am just. too. busy.

It’s been nearly 11 months since I started my day job and life hasn’t really slowed down since. It took me a good few months to get into some kind of routine with working an office job and having a life and by the time I’d kinda got into the swing of it we got engaged.

Flash forward to March and Christmas was over and done with we booked a venue and started our wedding planning in earnest, plus a million birthdays, a new baby in the family, two massive weddings of friends and fam and trying desperately to sort our garden before the end of the sunshine and I am a girl beat.

There just aren’t enough hours in the day at the moment and the only reason I have had the chance to type away here is Joss is away, it’s 11.30 at night and I have put aside updating my wedding spreadsheet to write away and I probs going to regret it in the morning.

But there we are, I digress.

I am hoping just getting the ol’ creative juices flowing again will mean I’ll sign off on this one and schedule something I’m desperate to write, or at least something shorter if I haven’t got the time but we shall see….

Catch up again mid August I could assume?