An Update On My New Years Resolutions (2017.)

NYE Resolutions 2017. 

I mean, this post could easily be renamed 'a list of things I said I'd do but haven't done in 2017'. 

I set myself New Years Resolutions with the greatest of intentions and I think last year I did a lot better than I have this year. I also did a bunch of posts at the end of last year/turn of this year on blogging goals and where I want to be at the end of 2017 and a bit of a bucket list for the year but I decided to keep them till the end of the year (why am I even thinking about 2018) to review. 

If you didn't read my 2017 New Years Resolutions post you can do so here, but here's a lil refresher for you anyway; 

1. Learn More Welsh. 

2. Do My Finances Every Week. 

3. Create More Of A Brand. 

4. Get Fit. 

5. Take Part In A Twitter Chat Every Week. 

1. Learn More Welsh. 

I brought this through from last year because I failed miserably and didn't learn any more Welsh and yet again, here I find myself nearly 6 months through the year and no closer to being fluent in Welsh. I learnt Welsh as school, I was good at it, I did my GCSE when I was 14 and my A Level at 17 - both a year early. I have the basics I just need to actually get my act together to remember it all and then to speak it frequently so I don't forget it again. If someone can please recommend an app or a scheme online that's free and good then plz plz plz send links my way! 

2. Do My Finances Every Week. 

This has gone all shades of tits up. Basically, for those who don't know the ins and outs of running a small business when you're self employed I do my own taxes, I take 20% of my incomings at the end of every project and I pay my tax and National Insurance after the tax year ends at the beginning of April. I wanted to do my financial spreadsheet at the beginning of every week so I could keep a track of my finances to make my tax returns easier in April but as always, being self employed throws up it's challenges. I'm waiting on A LOT of invoices to be paid for jobs I've already done so my finances haven't been completed since god knows when until I get paid. Life. 

3. Create More Of A Brand. 

This was super vague so I don't know how to quantify whether or not I've done this or not but I think I'm making steps in the right direction anyway. My Instagram is definitely getting more on brand and very much an extension of me and my blog and I think I've nailed the theme, the way I caption and what I am photographing. I am trying to work on my photography more, working with my camera not just snapping on my iphone and I've changed up my promo images on the old blog too. A lot of people cite my blog as one they instantly know is mine and I've been shortlisted for the Blogosphere Awards so hopefully that means I am working toward a blogging brand and maybs this is actually a resolution I'm succeeding at. 

4. Get Fit. 

I mean I haven't put on weight if that means anything at all? I really don't want to have this one as a New Years Resolution but at the same time I'd just quite like to feel a bit better ya know? I wanted to get toned up and make healthier choices but I haven't been for a run since before Christmas. I have been walking a neighbours dog as a favour a few times a week which means I get an hour out in the fresh air and lemme tell you, it's not a leisurely walk, he picks up quite a pace. Healthier choices wise I am making more home cooked meals rather than just plumping for chips cos lol I came in late and lazy but I wouldn't say they're all salads. 

5. Take Part In A Twitter Chat Every Week. 

I mean the less said about this the better really. I have been trying lately to make a real effort and do at least one a week, sometimes I've even managed two (I know, who am I?). I love it when I do, I feel so much more connected with the blogging community and I meet lovely new people but I'm just so effin busy all the time. 

And that's it, my list of New Years Resolutions that I am, uhm, not completing. How're you getting on with your resolutions? Better than me?