Posts tagged nye
15 questions to ask yourself in the New Year

I am mid way through setting up my 2019 bullet journal (a post coming on that when I have time to photograph it) and I have massively streamlined it. One spread that has made the cut though is 15 questions I have posed to myself.

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NYE & Resolutions with Talking Tables*

The start of a new year brings a whole lot of reflection and often a feeling like we didn't achieve enough in the last year. It also brings the desire to do better, to make a change and to set some goals and that's a ok with me. 

Twitter of late has been full of people mocking those who sign up for a gym membership in the new year, those who plan to lose weight, those who want to set a resolution and that's fine too if you don't want to. You CAN make a change or set a goal at any time of the year but let's not take the piss out of those who live in hope of 2018. 

I myself have never felt so motivated and positive about making some changes as we head into what this year has in store for us so here's what I got up to the NYE, and what I plan for the next 12 months. 

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