Ways To Spend Your Bank Holiday Monday.

You miss the best views if you're always looking down. 

It's a Bank Holiday weekend!! I've mentioned before, countless times in fact that even though I'm self employed and I could make every weekend a Bank Holiday if I fancied it, there's something about that 3 day life. This August Bank Holiday I'm spending it with family who I don't see very often and being sad I'm not spending it at Reading Fest like I did in 2011. Sob. 

Have A Duvet Day - Wellllll it is a three day weekend right? Maybe you've partied too hard and now you're nursing a hangover, maybe the weather isn't so summery where you are...maybe you just cba to even get dressed today. There is nothing wrong with a duvet day as long as it also includes Netflix and snacks. Leave the chill. 

Go Shopping - Nothing says Bank Holiday Monday like the faces of all the people working in retail. Make their day just the little bit brighter by spending yours in their shop, spending all the cash and reminding them how great the weather is outside whilst they're stuck indoors serving you. 

Do Something Free - There's all kinds of websites and apps that tell you about free things to do in your area. Get yourself on one, find a cute pop up or an event or a discount and get out, have fun and save the pennies. 

Have A BBQLet's be honest it's probs the last one of the season anyway. Get all the family and friends round, string up the fairy lights, make a mad dash to the supermarket for ALL THE BURGER BUNS and bring all the sofa cushions onto the decking for an evening of good (slightly burnt) food and good company. 

Read - Get a glass of wine or a cup of tea, go outside if the weather is nice enough, curl up in a blanket and get reading that book you've been saying you'll finish from your summer holiday. In 2015. 

Drink On A Rooftop Bar - Like I think this only applies in London and if it's an exclusive invite only thing because if you went to a rooftop bar and didn't Instagram your cocktail with the Shard in the background did you really even go to a rooftop bar?

Go Fruit Picking - Get on Google, get hunting your nearest PYO fruit farm and get your sexy little ass down there. It's pretty late in the season for things like strawberries but you might wangle a punnet full of blackberries and then you can make a tart and fulfill all your Autumnal dreams.

Have A Picnic In The Park - I mean, after the success of last weekend it'd be rude not to right? Get a blanket, get a proper wicker basket, get all the fancy snacks from Waitrose and M&S and take your family down the local park for a picnic in the sun. Just make sure you go to like the nice leafy bit not the scabby bit where all the youthtings go to do drugs.

Go To The Cinema - Cos nothing says Bank Holiday Monday like spending your last weekend of August inside in a brutally cold air conditioned cinema in the dark with a load of annoying strangers better. 

Have A Chippy - Preferably at the beach. Preferably out of a cone or polystyrene tray. Preferably with enough salt and vinegar to make your eyes burn. Preferably dodging seagulls. 

Go To A National Trust Property - Get some worth out of your membership and pop down a castle or a stately home and eat ALL the expensive icecream and beg your other half to take nice OOTD photos of you next to a brick wall or a cute garden. 

Blog - Well, it's a day off and you'll probably thank yourself for it later on in the week. 

Do Some DIY - Join the rest of the UK by waiting in the queue at the checkout of B&Q for 2174893257837 hours and revamp your home a little bit. Put up them photos you've had stacked next to the wall for 4 months, fix that wonky shelf, heck, paint your damn living room pink if you feel like it. 

Go On A Road Trip - Fuck the expensive petrol prices, treat yo self, fill up the tank, get up early, come home late but drive somewhere exciting for the day with a car full of friends and coke (the drink kind, let's not go crazy up in here) and food and good tunes. 

Plan Your Autumn Wardrobe - I mean, it is basically September by now and hunting down all the tartan and berry lips and ankle boots online is perfectly ok now? Right?

Bitch About How The Weekend Went To Quick - Well, if all else fails. 


Have a gorgeous Bank Holiday whatever you do! 




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