Friday Favourites 4th - 10th June 2016.

Friday Favourites June 10th. 

HOW beautiful has the weather been this past week?? I have seen a little bit on Twitter that my pals in London and the south of England maybe haven't had it so good? And also a few tweets along the same vein in the North? So if you're in the middle or in Wales like me we've had it GOOD. It's been a week of continuous sunshine and temperatures anywhere from 21 lowest to 25 highest, it's been glorious! 

Long may it continue. 

1. Blog recommendations.

I have found my way onto a few blogs in the last few weeks in passing mentions or as a little link up and even a wee review into my Etsy store. I am massively grateful for everyone who mentioned me in their blogs, you're all absolute gems and it is especially nice to be mentioned on blogs that I genuinely love and read myself and by girls who I chat to regularly on Twitter. I have the biggest genuine appreciation of you all and it is SO nice to be reading someone's post and see my own name pop up. 

However, mahooooosive love and thank you to Rebecca off of TheStyleShake because not only did I get a mention, I got my own flippin paragraph and she was kind enough to include my banner (even if I did forget to send it to her first time around, bad blogger award to me). I love this whole article, it gave me new blogs to read and I just felt like Rebecca really GOT who I was and what my blog was about. It's the variety of content on my blog that I love the most because it's fun for me to write and *hopefully* not stale for my viewers to read. Oh and she's a gem on Twitter so you should probs go follow her and have a chat and maybe she'll include you in a similar post one day!

I've linked all the posts I've been mentioned in over the past few weeks here - mahoosive apologies to anyone I forgot! I still love you!!

5 Blogs Inspiring Me Right Now - Rebecca Railton.  

Item Of The Day - Emma Farley. 

Sunday Link Share 002 - Pretty Not Inc

Why I'm Voting To Remain In The EU - Becky Bedbug

Bullet Journal: One Month On - ItsSarahAnn

Infinity Dreams Award - Hailey Jade Ryan. 

7 Day Nature Photography Tag - Libby Stevens (basically a cheat one cos I nominated her lul)

Infinity Dreams Award - Annie Buls. 

2. Late Night Bloggers.

Should I really be including the exact same chat in a favourites list a fortnight apart? Damn straight I should when it's just that good. I spoke about how much I love Late Night Bloggers chat on a Wednesday night between 9-10pm in this Friday Favs but I just had to mention it again because it's going from strength to strength I swear. What I love about it most (other than some of my fav Twitter pals being so active on it) is the variety of topics. We can go from chatting about blogging and social media to superheroes and desert islands week by week. In fact, the latter was the topic of last night's chat and before it had even started I knew it was a good one. Honest to god I sat at my desk and just typed solidly for the whole hour. I was motivated, geared up, I was excited for the responses and the questions and the banter and I was witty (I think). There is nothing I love more in a chat than funny people and a good GIF and whilst Twitter had a mini breakdown because it couldn't keep up with us all (#takethatkimye), it was bloody brilliant. I feel a bit sorry for the people I was chatting to in Welsh Bloggers chat at the same time because I simply couldn't keep up with it all. Every time I made it to the top of my notifications list I had 30+ new notifications, the sound on my phone broke because it couldn't deal with all the pinging and I didn't even get to answer question 2 until about half hour in. In the end I counted 269 notifications in an hour and let me just remind you, I wasn't the host. Seriously, ya'll need to get involved with this one. 

Follow Late Night Bloggers on Twitter. 

3. Game Of Thrones. 

Ok so I'm a bit late to the party but I have FINALLY got into Game Of Thrones. My boyfriend bought the boxset seasons 1-5 and is rewatching them even though he's read the books and seen all the series and by osmosis of just sitting in the same room I have got obsessed. I know so much about what happens so don't worry about spoilers but SO GOOD. People weren't messing, I wish I'd started watching it in real time so I didn't know what happens in season 6 when I'm only on season 4 but hey, it's still bloody amazing. 

4. Giveaway. 

My giveaway ended this Wednesday and my lovely winner was Kayleigh from who won a pencil set, a sticker set, a pocket mirror, a notepad and a father's day card (the latter two were surprises). I genuinely cannot thank everyone enough who entered and retweeted and shouted about it on Twitter and said such lovely things. I don't host a giveaway to get new followers but to promote my business and it was so encouraging to see the promotion working and generating sales and business for my shop. Don't forget you can get Father's Day cards on my store and then treat yo self for being such a good daughter as I've got 20% off a second order all summer! Thanks again you lovely lot, you made a gals week!

Shop my Etsy here. 

5. Barry Island. 

Ok so technically I spent most of the day at The Knap but people know Barry Island from Gavin & Stacey so YOLO. Fun fact for you, I live very close to Barry Island and if you think I sound like I'm from there you'll be very disappointed. I believe I have what is known as a 'posh' Welsh accent which is fun for someone who is not posh. On Monday I spent the day by the beach and in the park with my niece and my Mum and it was HOT and beautiful and we had the first Mr Whippy of the year which my niece shared with me and loved. It was such a lovely day and such a lovely little place and my brother met us on his lunch hour which was sweet. 

I have a lot of projects on at the moment and lots of illustration work which is sweet so bear with me this weekend (I'm sure I'll have time to Insta don't worry). Happy Friyay beauts!





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