Infinity Dreams Awards #2

I got nominated for my second infinity dreams award! It seems like months and months ago that Hailey Jade Ryan tagged me in her post but it was actually May 26th so that shows you how busy my scheduled posts was up until now when I had the perfect slot! I read Hailey's blog whenever she posts and not only do I love it, she is also a beauty on Twitter and we had a really fab convo that left me in stitches during last night's Late Night Bloggers

My favourite post of Hailey's of late is her A-Z because who doesn't love to be nosey and find a little bit more out about a person? The absolute cutest thing is her little paragraph about her godson, the link to the post is just here so go learn something new! Oh and her infinity dreams award tag is just here too so huge thanks to Hailey for nominating me!

As with my original tag (read here) I'm not going to nominate anyone at the end of this post because it's so hard to find someone who hasn't been tagged already!

The Rules; 

  • Thank the person that tagged you. 
  • Give 11 facts about you.
  • Answer the 11 questions set to you. 
  • Ask 11 questions to your nominees. 
  • Tag 11 bloggers.  

11 Facts About Me;

  1. My first name is pronounced GWEN-UN despite looking like GWEN-ANN (although if you're super Welsh you'd pronounce it the latter) and my middle name is Elizabeth after my momma. 
  2. My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 years since we were 17 and spent a whole school trip to Prague not admitting that we liked each other. Cuties. 
  3. I own over 70 nail varnishes. 
  4. I have been out of school for 5 years which is terrifying but in those 5 years I did a Diploma in Foundation Studies of Art & Design, a 3 year undergrad degree and a year of self employment. 
  5. I own 10 pairs of super high waist super skinny jeans and only 4 dresses. I am NOT a dresses/skirts kinda gal. 
  6. I don't drink. I kinda never have, I don't have a reason behind it particularly, I just don't. 
  7.  I drive a 12 plate second hand baby blue Citreon C1 and it was my dream first car for years before I bought it. Safe to say I bloody love it. 
  8. I technically live at my boyfriend's family house and we have our own entrance/kitchen/living room/bedroom/bathroom but I spend every day at my parents house where my studio office is. 
  9.  I always profess I HATE board games but actually I love a good game of Cluedo or Monopoly (but don't tell my fam). 
  10. I (along with my brother) taught myself to swim when I was a toddler. 
  11. When I was in Primary school I was in a class of 4 girls so there was only 1 girl per school house so I had to take part in EVERY race in sports day.


My Answers; 

1. Who Is Your Favourite TV Character?

Do reality TV stars count cos the Kardashians are WAY up there? I suppose not. I don't know if I could choose one but The Penguin from Gotham (oh and Fish Mooney too), Castle from Castle, Luther from Luther, I could choose a shed load of sassy individuals. 

2. What Was Your Dream Job As A Child?

I love answering this question because it makes me feel like childhood Gwennan would be pleased. I always wanted to be a freelance illustrator working from home and that's exactly what I DO do. 

3. What Is Your Favourite Book?

After Harry Potter, I couldn't choose one but luckily I did some blog posts on books so read them here! 

10 Books You Need On Your Bookshelf. 

Lost In A Book Tag. 

4. Do You Have A Pet?

I do! I have a little tortoise shell cat called Mildred who came to us as a stray 5 years ago and never left! We tried to find her owner to no avail so we had her chipped as ours and now she runs the roost in the way only cats can.  

5. Where Did You Last Go On Vacation?

Apart from the odd night away to Wrexham and Derby etc it was probably last summer??!! I tagged along with my parents on their summer holiday (poor recent graduate, bet my parents loved it) and we went to Sussex/Kent in July when it was SCORCHING. I bloody loved that corner of Britain and you can read all about it here

6. Have You Ever Had A Personal Police Encounter Of Any Sort?

Once I was in the car with my boyfriend in the centre of Cardiff at like 3 in the morning picking his brother up and you couldn't park where the bus was dropping off and my boyfriend nipped into and out of a bus lane just to get out of the way of the coach and the police were behind us. All they did was put on the sirens and pull us over and basically were just like LOL you idiots. I shit myself tho. 

7. What Movie Would You Have Loved To Play A Role In?

Harry Potter no question of a doubt. It looked incredible and I'd want to be involved with something you have to dress up in and have loads of makeup and prosthetics and special affects. Ever watch that documentary with Ben Shepard when we were kids of the behind the scenes at HP? That just cemented it for me. 

8. If You Could Live In Any City Of The World, Which One Would It Be?

Oh man. What a question. Genuinely I probably wouldn't move from where I live now, I've always known I wanted to stay in this area but if I had to do a year abroad or something it would be Venice because I have NEVER been anywhere like there. 

9. Do You Have A Favourite Drink?

I don't know if this means an alcoholic drink but like I mentioned above, I don't really drink so my absolute fav is a good old fashioned sugary milky life saving cuppa. 

10. If You Could Only Eat One Sort Of Cake For The Rest Of Your Life, Which Would It Be?

Maybs I should have mentioned this in my 11 facts! When I was child my Mum's job was to make cakes which she supplied to a local coffee shop and it put me off cake for life. I know, I know, don't hate me. You'd think having so much cake in the house would be heaven but actually even the smell of cake made me wanna heave for years. Only the past 2 or 3 years have I started having cake every now and then and my absolute fav is little victoria sponge baked with a raspberry inside!

11. What Was Your Favourite Subject In School?

I don't think it will come as any surprise to find out it was Art closely followed by Graphics/Photography but my other love was History lessons because I had fab teachers and I think if I wasn't doing what I do now, I'd probably have done an Ancient History & Archaeology degree like my brother. 


My Questions; 

  1. Why did you start blogging? How long ago did you start?
  2. If you could have tea with any 3 people dead or alive, famous or not who would it be?
  3. Do you have any siblings, give them an intro! If not do you like being an only child?
  4. What's the tune you're currently obsessing over?
  5. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
  6. What's the most expensive thing you own?
  7. Describe your dream house!
  8. What's your biggest life lesson?
  9. Have you ever dyed your hair? Nightmare or best thing you ever did?
  10. What's the blog post you're most happy with? Share a link with us!
  11. If money was no object what holiday would you take?


Like I mentioned above, I am not tagging people because I know a lot of bloggers are working on these tags at the moment but if you do want to take part just answer my questions and tag me to let me know! 

Thanks again to the gorgeous Hailey for my nomination!


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