Friday Favourites 18th - 31st March 2017.


I don't want to alarm you all but I think I've finished painting my house.... I'm typing this at 10.40pm, I had tea less than an hour ago and I think I might fall asleep at any moment but I *think* we're done. 

Today alone we painted 4 rooms, all the skirting boards and 6 doors. The kitchen is a bombsite where we've chucked everything else, I fear I may be cleaning for a century but I think we're actually coming to the end of it. 

Tomorrow we're hosting my family for tea because they've been banned from seeing it all until it's done so I have a mammoth task ahead. 

But onto the favourites - just a shorter one from me today because I'm so hideously tired and I have basically spent the past fortnight painting....

1. Date Day. 

My other half has finished his care job and we are back to sociable hours and actually acting like normal humans again. To celebrate and for him to spend some of his birthday money last week we went to Cardiff for a cheeky day out. We went for a meal, mooched around town and got some salted pretzels which omfg I still dream about. I think we were out and about for about 8 hours, it wasn't anything exciting, nothing radical, we even went to Tesco on the way home but it was just nice to be out and about. 

2. That Extra Hour. 

Ohhh yes the clocks changed and although we lost an hours sleep (on a Sunday too, the worst), the lighter nights is what I live for. I am in love with the evenings, with the sunshine, with the extra happiness that Spring brings - I just love it all. And I love the fact it only gets better now, it gets lighter later and later and then whadda ya know, it's June. 

3. Cheap Bargains. 

When we were in Cardiff we naturally found ourselves in Primark - I know, how could we not. I snapped up a few little beauties like I mentioned in My Month In Photos post yesterday, a couple of tops, some trousers for a wedding etc etc etc and also this boyfriend shirt for bed featured in my Instagram today. BUT. As well as the few things I got my mitts on, I got a hella lotta inspiration for things I want to get when I go to Wrexham in May including this coat of my dreams. 

4. Ikea. Again. 

Oh hi it's my favourite place on earth and I think I've been there at least fortnightly for the past 2 months...... We needed a few things in Ikea last week, a towel rail, an ice cube tray...ya know the type plus a few things for some other people. And when we arrived; lo and behold I found this little setup which not only fits my Instagram theme pretttttyyyyy well but also. Need. 

5. Mother's Day. 

Mother's Day was a full family affair this year. I gave my grandmother a ring in the morning then Joss and I headed over to my Mum's and met my brother and his family there. We gave my niece allll the gifts and cards to give to my Mum, had a roast and then went on a walk round the village in the afternoon. It was sunny, it was warm, my niece had a whale of a time and we spent many an hour throwing rocks into puddles to entertain her. In the evening we went for tea with Joss' family for his Mother's Day and watched Line of Duty and omfg. 

6. On The Doorstep. 

It takes a sunset on a beautiful evening to make you appreciate what you have on the doorstop doesn't it? I was driving home from my Mum's the other day and it had been a glorious day and I had Ed's new album on full and I was belting out Dive and I was just overwhelmed with how beautiful it all was. So when I got home I got straight out of the car and Joss and I went for a wander down to the lake that's literally on the doorstep to take photos of the sunset and it made me so excited for Summer. Oh and yes I wore a flatcap. It's dat country farm life. 

7. Plans. 

I'll stop sharing this photo when we manage to take another one. This week on a mahooosive whim Sarirah, Sarah, Mel, Hannah and I decided we're going to mosey on down to London next week for a get together and lots of (not so) secret plans to do with blogging and Insta and I legit cannot wait. I'm excited to see these babes, have a road trip, take lots of cute photos and I'm so sad Effi and Nina can't make it so we'll sadly HAVE to make another plan to do another one so they can come. I know, shame. 

Happy Friyay cherubs - don't get fooled tomorrow!