My Month In Photos - March 2017

My Month In Photos - March 2017. 

I know I know it's the age old cliché to say this month has flown by but I feel like it's zoomed and has been an absolute age at the same time. Week on week it's like HOW, HOW IS IT ALREADY APRIL but when I think back to St Davids Day...legit seems like another life. 

March has been pretty sweet to me, I've been crazy busy as always but I feel like finally finally things are falling into place and I might actually get into a routine one of these days. My boyfriend has finished work and we can actually live sociable hours again and ya know, not see eachother just between the hours of 5 and 6am. For April I'm hoping I can actually start more of a 9 - 5 for my own work, not working all the hours god sends because lol life got in the way. 

What I Did;

I ate a lot of chips from the chippy basically. Every few days for like a fortnight I ended up having chips because various family members were insanely busy and oh mumma it was delightful. I ended up in IKEA a fair few times too and we had a few meals out as a celebration for Joss and for his birthday way back at the beginning of the month too. I've been out and about with my niece, we took her to Cardiff museum a few weeks ago which is like her fav place ever and we've had a LOT of family time. I have my niece twice a week anyway to look after her but since the beginning of Feb my brother and his family have been round for a Sunday roast every week so we've had some QT and on Mother's Day had a cute family walk. March is also CRAZY busy for family birthdays between mine and Joss' and we obvs also spent a lot of time watching the rugby. 

What I Watched;

Last month I mentioned we finally had a TV back in our lives and then I went and bought a fancy recorder so we can watch alllll the catchup TV and it's life changing. My TV schedule has never looked so good. From SS GB, Last Leg, Travel Man, How'd You Get So Rich, Broadchurch, Secret Life Of The Zoo, Celeb Juice....Joss and I enjoy a little something every night and then record all the things the other one doesn't watch. This means I always have a healthy supply of KUWTK, Real Housewives of Cheshire/Atlanta/Orange County and MIC to watch whilst eating my breakfast in the hour or two before Joss wakes up. I also watched Rio Ferdinand's Being Mum & Dad this week which I would thoroughly recommend, I think it was really important for someone so high profile in such a 'masculine' career to discuss grief and emotions and I'd definitely definitely get it on catch up if you get the chance. I also finally saw Suicide Squad and we went to see Long: Skull Island in the cinema and both were enjoyable if you like mindless violence and an easy watch (I'm fine with that FYI).

What I Worked On; 

I'm still working on a lot of the same projects as I did last month, lots of them like the personalised book are ongoing but I did a cute commission of a bar for someone for a leaving gift in a few days this month. My Mother's Day cards went down a treat on Etsy, I sold out of my favourite child cards and near enough cleared my stock of the others so heeeeeuuuuge thank you to everyone that bought one <3 You can also have a peep at my menus for Chester Racecourse now on their website which is all kinds of fun. 

What I Chatted About;

Wahoooooo guess who took part in Twitter chats this month??!! On one Sunday I took part in not 1 but a whole 2 chats and then later in the month I managed time for a fun Late Night Bloggers about staycations. I love Twitter chats, it reminded me why I enjoyed them so much this time last year. The chatting, the engagement, the talking to other bloggers makes me feel so much more connected with the blogging community. I appreciate I'm sometimes too busy to take part, doing chats this month reminded me how full on they are and you genuinely need to sit down and take an hour out of your day but I love them so hopefully I can squeeze a few more in this month too. 

What I Blogged;

Last month I felt like whilst I blogged a lot, it was all written hastily and was ok but not my best content and it was all down to not sticking to a schedule. This month I did a lot better, I stuck to the schedule I'd planned for myself a lot better and it showed (I hope). I knew what I was writing about, I planned some decent content and I enjoyed writing it. Obvs I'm pretty happy to be back on the Bullet Journal bandwagon (you can peep at my BuJo, have a go at hand lettering and find a shed load of resources for your journal here) and they were my fav pieces of content from this month. I'm also really happy I shared 50 Little Life Happiness on the evening after the Westminster attacks - I just wasn't sure whether or not to post it on that day but I'm really pleased I did. Alsoooo this month I shared things my Momma taught me which I showed my Mum (who doesn't read my blog) and she loooooved it. 

What I Bought; 

Will I ever stop buying homeware? No I didn't think so either. I *think* we've finished the house, I *think* I've finished buying everything but every time I think that, I inevitably find something else to do or buy. This month though I've also snapped up a few little somethings for myself. I went to Primark last week (twice, soz) and picked up a few tops and some jeans and a pair of floral trousers I want to wear to a wedding in July and thennnn I got my hands on these beauties from Matalan. Legit love. I am now putting myself on a spending ban (unless it's essential house stuff obvs) until I go to Wrexham in May cos 1. I need to save and 2. I need to spend it all when I'm there with my pals. 

Here's to April - to eating our weight in chocolate and longer days and plenty of laffs.