5 Things Children Today Will Never Experience.

A Guest Post by Llinos of The Lilac Linnet.



I often look around at children and think that, due to technology, their experiences will be very different to those I went through at their age.  In particular, these five things which were a part of my childhood have disappeared without a trace!

Having to share a computer in school.

When I was in primary school in the early 1990s, there was a single PC in the school which we would walk past reverently, as though it was a magic box full of wonders.  Which indeed it was.  We took it in turns to work on the computer every week, normally using an Encarta CD Rom (anyone remember that?).  These days toddlers use smartphones or ipads and no primary school child would blink at a PC!  Classrooms are full of them.  

Having to go to a library to research something.

When I had a project to research during early secondary school, the only way to go about it was to go to the library and spend hours sifting through books.  Now, of course, there's a thing called the internet which means trawling through piles of books, photocopying and writing up notes is something which is consigned to history.  Going online to research would never have entered my mind!

They will never know a world without Google.

This takes me back to Encarta.... if I wanted to search for something, I would type it into Encarta.  'Google' didn't exist.  Now it's a business, a concept, a word that is a part of daily life and our vocabulary.  For today's children, it's probably impossible to imagine a world without the colourful letters of Google.  However, some of us can remember it!

Freedom from the prospect of cyber bullying.

I was subjected to bullying at school, and one thing I have always been grateful for is that there was no social media with which to torment me.  Now, however, there is no escape.  The torture can continue after school on Facebook, on Twitter, and it is the worst thing about technology and social media by far.  

Having to fit a huge TV in their bedroom.

I don't mean a big flatscreen sized TV.... I mean the big boxes which used to be classed as screens not so long ago and which used to perch precariously on every girl's dressing table!  Nowadays flatscreens are much easier to fit onto the furniture!


Is there anything else that children today won't experience?