My 2017 New Years Eve Resolutions.

Oh hey it's that time of year again where every blogger and their dog starts writing NYE resolutions posts in the hope that publishing it on their site will make them stick to it. Inevitably we don't but hey, who am I to judge a blogging bandwagon?

Review my 2016 resolutions here. 

1. Learn More Welsh. 

Oh god I failed so miserably on this one in 2016 I thought I should do justice to the language of where I live and try again. I have the most Welsh name in existence and I used to speak it but after school I didn't keep it up and it's all but gone. This year I am determined to crack it. 

2. Do My Finances Every Week. 

Again, another resolution I brought over from last year, in a slightly different form. I wanted to do my finances on the 1st of every month last year to make it easier to remember what was what but I used to kinda waver from that. This year I have a spreadsheet as well as a physical accounting book and I want to update it weekly to get myself in check and avoid spending most Sunday working backwards on my billing. 

3. Create More Of A Brand. 

This is a very very vague one because I don't know what I want this to entail yet. I want a bit of a rebrand and a theme change in January when my blog is a year old but I also want to make more of a consistent brand for my blog and my business. I don't know what, I don't know how but I want to get cracking all the same. 

4. Get Fit. 

Oh god the age old NYE resolution right? Last year I almost scorned the idea as something everyone does and fails at and this year I am one of the millions intending to do the same. I had a bit of a gym bunny month in September or October and then when life got busier I ran out of time and didn't make the effort. Now I am using the New Year as a reason to get motivated again and get fit. It's not even about weightloss, it's about getting fit, getting strong, getting toned and making healthier choices. 

5. Take Part In A Twitter Chat Every Week. 

This is an adaptation of wanting to illustrate once a week last year, this year I want to get back into at least one Twitter chat a week for 2017. When I first started blogging at the beginning of the year I was on top of them, I did one most days and multiple a day sometimes and my engagement and following were insane. I found new blogs, new friends and new SM accounts to follow and I really miss it. Determined to get back into it this year. 

Good luck to all of you hoping to complete your NYE Resolutions this year!