Social Media Roundup - May 2016

My social media round up - May 2016

If you read last month's social media roundup you'll know I changed my format up a wee bit and I added a few more stats so this month is month 2 of my fully fledged new shabang. 

How cute. 

Gwennan Rees Illustration; 

1. #ArtVArtist

This hashtag was floating about a bit in the middle of May on a bunch of Instagram accounts I follow and was basically a way of creatives showing off them and their work. The idea was a grid of 9 photos, 8 of your work and you in the middle as a kinda 'here's me' and 'here's my designs' thing. I kind forgot I did it to be honest until I was searching for my most liked insta post of the month and then hey, this was it! I quite like it actually, I think my selfie kinda fits in with my images of my work and they all look bright and colourful and like they have a real theme and a style going on. So yeah, I'm pleased this was my most liked photo of May. 

2. Day 16...

Sometimes I am really baffled with my most popular posts and this is one of them times. Day 16 of my #100DaysOfStepping was obviously a good one but I just remember it being really late, realising I hadn't taken my photo for the day whilst I was leaving the house and just snapping it and captioning it 'the essentials.' It's grainy, it's dark, it really isn't that great an image but people liked it so much it became my second most popular post. 

3. Day 29!

So it's not all that surprising to me that some of #The100DayProject made it to my favourites, it's essentially all I am posting these days! I definitely think I have taken nicer photos than this one but I think it was the caption that did it. I wrote 'first time I've ventured downstairs in 6 hours' and it was all true..... I spent that day working at my desk in my studio and surrounded myself with tea and snacks and literally didn't even go down the stairs.... What a time to be alive. 

Follow gwennanreesillustration on Instagram to keep up to date with my 100 days project. 

Twenty Something Meltdown;

1. Notebook Situation. 

I am all for stationery, I am a lover and I have professed this many a time but even I am a bit wtf as to why this got so many likes. It has 94 to date as I write this and every now and then it just keeps ticking over, I wouldn't be surprised if at some point it hits 100 likes. This pile of notebooks is my bullet journal, my business diary and my blogging planner and are my every day life savers. Those guys. (Read about my bullet journal here!)

2. Hometown Glory. 

This was posted only last week and it racked up the likes and engagements like nobodies business. This is my home town, where I went to school and where a lot of my friends live. It's where I've spent a lot of my time over the years, where I've celebrated the final days of the year, where I went to the park when I was a baby and then returned when I was revising for exams. Sometimes you only need a bit of sunshine to make your hometown look all new and glossy and bright and I think that's what this photo showed and why so many people were a fan. 

Cute little houses. 

3. Ty Mawr Country Park.  

This little beauty was taken in Ty Mawr Country Park on the outskirts of Wrexham where I went to uni and where I went to visit back in the middle of May. It was an absolute scorcher, like the type of days we're having now and me and my friends went for a stroll and got sunburnt and had a lovely time. I 100% spammed this visit so it was nice that this one made it to the top three because it really is a glorious place. 

Ty Mawr Country Park. 

Follow twentysomethingmeltdown on Instagram for more of this in June!


So onto Twitter, more of the same as normal, my blogging account is taking the world by storm and my illustration one is falling by the wayside. I am taking part in creative chats on my illustration account which is helping a bit but I am just massively lacking in inspo with it. Sad face. 

I did tweet over 150 times more on my illustration account during the month which is good because I have been putting a lot more effort into scheduling with it, however my profile visits and new followers dipped dramatically so I don't know if the content I am scheduling is right for my audience. I did however have 60 more mentions which is a product of the chats I have been taking part in and my overall impressions was 33.8K which is 11.2K more than April. 

Follow me on my illustration account here. Go on, gimme some love!

My blog Twitter account is certainly a force to be reckoned with. It is going from strength to strength and has taken on a life of it's own which in turn is making Etsy sales and generating blog views so it can't be a bad thing! 

I actually tweeted less this month which shows you just how well my account is doing as less effort from me is STILL generating better views and more importantly, better engagement. I had over 600 more profile visits and just over 50 more followers (from 295 new followers in April to 348 new in May) and I actually had less mentions because I didn't take part in as many chats this month cos busy life yo. My impressions this month went from 122K in April to 154K in May so whilst this might be your average views or heck, a bad month for you, for me it just shows my stats are raising month on month so I am doing something right!

Be pals with my blog on Twitter here!

Last month I started introducing a few stats on some other forms of social media so here's an update on them too!


Follow 260. Follows me 120 (April 2016)

Follow 285. Follows me 172 (May 2016) which I am made up with because I have been putting more effort into Pinterest lately!


Following 79. Follows me 26 (April 2016)

Following 123. Follows me 60 (May 2016). Again I have been trying harder to follow blogs I love and a lot of my new followers are people I chat to on Twitter which is lovely!

Google Analytics:

Now I can't really remember whether I started tracking these stats as overall or just for the month but I;m starting with monthly updates from now anyway! 

In May I had 1824 pageviews in 1167 sessions from 713 unique users which isn't loads but is steadily rising month on month. I find Google Analytics great and all but because I moved hosts in January I have a bit of trouble tracking it properly but so long as it's rising month on month, I'm happy. 

Don't forget to follow me and have a chat on all forms of social media!