Posts tagged grown up
Things I've Grown Out Of.

I'll be 25 in October. My mid twenties. I will have left the 18-24 bracket for voting. I've grown up a lot (and haven't really grown up a lot at all). There's a lot in my 25 years that's stuck with me, like my nut allergy and my ability to sing Smack That by Akon, but some things I've definitely grown out of - and I don't just mean my babygros. 

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Things That Only Happen At The Supermarket (When You're Old)

There are some things in life that just happen without you noticing. One day Tesco is the place your Mum drags you to after school and you protest and make it misery until you're old enough to be life in the car...the next day you're a real life adult going to Tesco because it's your responsibility. 

There are some things that only happen at the supermarket when you're a certified old person. 

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