Posts tagged relationship
Valentine's Day Lust List

Oh Valentine’s Day - whether you love it, loath it, are spending it alone or with pals or with your better half, you can’t escape it.

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A Quiet Sunday, An Engagement & A Potato

Been a bit of a week hasn’t it? Mad busy at work, a weekend in the New Forest, my twenty sixth birthday and a proposal.


You’re probably more shocked than I was.

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The Importance Of Friendships In Your Twenties.

When you're in your teens your friends, the amount of them and the calibre of them were seemingly the most important thing in the world. If you had few friends you were a loser, if you had loads of friends you were popular and if you were part of the 'cool' ones then all the better. 

And then you leave school and go to university and graduate and start working life and those friends you had probably aren't your friends anymore and the rest of the world certainly doesn't know you were part of the popular crowd. Very quickly you're taught that actually it's the quality of friends you have that matters most over the quantity and having lots of friends isn't the be all and end all anymore. 

But your friendships in your twenties are just as important as those in your formative years - they're just important in a different way. 

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Relationships In Your Teens vs Relationships In Your Twenties.

This is not a social comment on the nature of relationships in our teens vs the ones we have in our twenties. On the contrary, one of my teen relationships ended up being my twenties relationship too. No, this is more a social commentary on starting your relationship in your teens vs starting one in your twenties. 

Here's a few thoughts I've been having lately on starting relationships when you're 16 vs when you're 26.

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